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Jun 27th 2020
So far I've not commented publicly on the @PeoplesMomentum #NCGvote. both @ForwardMmtm & @Mom_Renewal have good people on their slates but both groups *collectively* have failed to make a strong political case for their slate. Neither has publicly stood against the false... /1
...accusations of anti-Semitism that divided the Labour left and undermined the only genuinely pro-working class, anti-racist & internationalist leader our party has ever had: #JeremyCorbyn. This is critical because part of the left capitulated to the smears, sealing our fate. /2
Anyone on the left who believes that if we keep our mouths shut about atrocities perpetrated by #ApartheidIsrael, if we quietly back away from #BDS & #Palestine solidarity, if we silent while those falsely accused of anti-Semitism are silenced & expelled is DELUSIONAL. /3
Read 10 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
The right-wing of @UKLabour, led by @Keir_Starmer & cheered-on by the anti-Labour press are very publicly sticking the knife into the #Labour left by sacking #RebeccaLongBailey. What do the sectarian left do? Silent: @workersliberty, the @Clarion_Mag, @MomentumInt_. /1
Some of their supporters give the game away, dishonestly claiming that #MaxinePeake (and by association @RLong_Bailey) peddled an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. No surprise as the #Islamophobic @workersliberty have been giving left cover to false claims of AS all along. /2
This organisation and their assorted fronts are not part of the left. They act solely in the interest of their own organisation and as a result not only aided the downfall of #JeremyCorbyn but also scandalously British imperialism's military intervention in Syria & beyond. /3
Read 4 tweets

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