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Tomo prestada la frase que habla de la Nakba no como una catástrofe, sino la frustración árabe de no haber podido cometer el genocidio contra los judíos que pretendieron en 1948. Sale un hilo para rebatir, una vez más, a quienes escriben sin tener idea de nada.
Este es un muy mal intento para definir al sionismo ya que borra, de forma intencional, los miles de años que unen al pueblo judío con su tierra en Judea y Samaria. Desconoce ya no sólo la historia, sino la evidencia arqueológica que así lo demuestra.

Segundo error: las "tensiones y choques" no se iniciaron con la llegada de judíos europeos, sino que durante el siglo XIX existieron pogromos árabes que asesinaron judíos cuando el estado moderno de Israel no había nacido.
Read 14 tweets
Hoje se completam 75 anos do início do brutal regime israelense de colonização, apartheid e ocupação contra o povo palestino. Não à toa, essa data é conhecida como Nakba, palavra que significa catástrofe em árabe.
São décadas de massacres, demolições de casas, destruição de plantações, confisco de terras, prisões ilegais, controle de movimento e estradas segregadas, leis racistas, colônias ilegais, muros, e muita opressão em todas as esferas da vida.
A cumplicidade internacional é o que permite que essa catástrofe siga se aprofundando diariamente. Não podemos permanecer neutros e muito menos permitir que empresas e instituições sigam lucrando com esse sistema de controle e segregação.
Read 5 tweets
As Israel continues its massacres in Gaza, killing another 14 indigenous Palestinians, including 4 more children, a pattern emerges pointing to @ElbitSystemsLtd's complicity.
🪡 #ShutElbitDown THREAD👇

But first, let's say the names of the victims:
1- Tareq Ezzeddin, 49
2- Ali Ezzeddin, 9
3- Mayar Ezzeddin, 11
4- Khalil Bahtini, 45
5- Hajar Bahtini, 5
6- Laila Bahtini, 44
7- Yousef Khaswan, 20
8- Dr. Jamal Khaswan, 53
9- Mervat Khaswan, 45
10- Dania Adas, 19
11- Eman Adas, 14
12- Jihad Ghannam, 62
13- Wafa’s Ghannam, 50
14- Yazan Elian, 16
15- Rami Hamdan, 16
16- Lian Medookh, 10
17- Ala’ Baraka, 27
18- Alam Abdul-Aziz, 27
19- Ayman Saidam, 26
20- Tamim Daud, 5
21- Ahmad Shabaki, 51
22- Mohammad T’eima, 25
Read 21 tweets
The ratio of dead children-to-grown men in Israel's latest massacre in Gaza created "difficult pictures to explain". So Israel fixed it in the only way it knows how: It executed another 4 grown men.…

🪡 THREAD👇 Indigenous Palestinian prot...Saed Ferwana (28) and Wael ...Saed Ferwana (28) and Wael ...
Saed Ferwana (28) and Wael Agha (34) were executed with a missile to their car in Gaza, while indigenous Palestinian protectors, Ahmad Assaf (19) and Rani Qatanat (24) were killed resisting the Israeli military invasion into Qabatiya.…
That's 17 indigenous Palestinians that Israel killed in the last 24 hours. At least 131 indigenous Palestinians have been killed by Israel's armed forces and armed colonists in 2023. 25 of them children.
Read 32 tweets
Not content with a daily execution in the West Bank, Israel goes to its own personal killing field,Gaza, where it can bomb indigenous Palestinians in a concentration camp like fish in a barrel, obliterate families, and call it "self defense".…

🪡 THREAD👇 13 indigenous Palestinians,...
You'll probably hear about how Israel killed Palestinian militants,but you won't hear about their children&wives that it exterminated along with them.Because Israel doesn't kill indigenous guerillas on the battlefield. It assassinates them with bombs in their homes as they sleep.
Here are their names:
1- Tareq Ibarhim Ezzeddin, 49
2- Ali Tareq Ibrahim Ezzeddin, 9
3- Mayar Tareq Ibarhim Ezzeddin, 11
Read 32 tweets
A US couple – ‘Jew’ husband & ‘Hindu’ wife runs two fronts respectively – one for Israel, one for India.

- Both funded by #Soros
- Both promoted by Islamists.
- Both use human rights as cover.

Objective: to run conflict industry.

Story of #HfHR and #JVP
Thread: Image
Story begins in 2002– Sunita Vishawanath co-founded Women for Afghan Women (WAW) funded by Soros.She was Assoc. Dir of Soros Reproductive Health fellowship at Columbia Uni(2006)
She was associated with South Asian Women’s Center for Anti-Violence Education & Sister Fund
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SAKHI was founded in 1989 by Mallika Parvati Dutt, a carrier activist, associated with many philanthropic orgs- Ford Foundation (India, 1996-2000), the Norman Fdn. (US,1992-94) & the Open Society Foundation (US, 2010-12) & The Sister Fund (1995-98) with Sunita as Director

(3/27) Image
Read 28 tweets
Von mir aus keult euch ruhig einen drauf das #RogerWaters jetzt auftreten darf aber der ausschließlich Israelkritische und gar nicht antisemitische Roger Waters hat mal auf dem Hamas nahen Shehab News Sender bei einem Interview sehr klar gemacht wie sein Weltbild funktioniert /1 Screen aus nem Shehab News ...
Da behauptete er nicht nur das das IDF amerikanische Polizist*innen gezielt darauf trainiert habe Schwarze Menschen zu töten, sondern ua auch das der mittlerweile verstorbene amerikanische jüdische Milliardär Sheldon Adelson „der Puppenspieler“ sei der „die Fäden von Trump /2
und Mike Pompeo in der Hand halte.“ Über Adelson sagte er wörtlich “…he believes that only Jews, only Jewish people, are completely human…and everybody else on Earth is there to serve them.” Er betont zwar danach halbherzig das „nicht alle Jüdinnen*Juden so denken“ /3
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CN Holocaust Shoah

Von der #NSDAP, der #PLO und #BDS

Heute möchte ich ein wenig über einen Aspekt des Nahostkonflikts reden, der weniger Beachtung findet. Da die ideologische Kontinuität der NSDAP bis Heute Umfassend ist, beschränke ich mich auf die wichtigsten Momente.

1920er/30er, Studenten aus Einflussreichen arabischen Familien kehren nach Mena zurück, besonders Prominent Mitglieder der Familie al-Husayni. Beeinflusst vom italienischen Faschismus und der aufstrebenden NSDAP.

Armies of the young By David M. Rosen…
Besonders groß war das Netzwerk um Jamal al-Husayni. Jamal war Mitglied des "Kulturvereins" Al-Muntada al-Adabi, der als Inkubator des arabischen Nationalismus galt, bis 1915 4 seiner Mitglieder vom Osmanischen Reich wegen Hochverrats hingerichtet wurden.… Jamal al-Husayni, 1936
Read 58 tweets
A few weeks ago, former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert called for an international “boycott” of the current Israeli PM Netanyahu.
Former Israeli PM Olmert called on the “international community,” particularly Israel’s “friends,” to “speak out in full force against the Israeli government” because it is “anti Israel.” He hoped the US and UK would “reevaluate their relationship with the government of Israel.”
Olmert, accused of horrific war crimes against Indigenous Palestinians in Gaza, also called on leaders to “show contempt for the prime minister of Israel” and to “boycott” him because Netanyahu is “about to destroy the democratic and ethical foundations of the state of Israel.”
Read 7 tweets
@Mirjam_Fischer Wir demontieren das gerne einmal. Zu Ihrer Option a) Natürlich Schwachsinn. Beruht aber auf genau jener Figur, die Zionist*innen hierzulande + die @DIGeV_de tagein tagaus betreiben: nämlich die Gleichsetzung des Staates #Israel mit "die Juden" /x
@Mirjam_Fischer @DIGeV_de also: pro-israelischer Antisemitismus (und die "logische" Ableitung daraus, nämlich: "Alle Leute, die Israels Verbrechen nicht ok finden, sind Antisemiten weil Israel die Juden ist." 2/x
@Mirjam_Fischer @DIGeV_de Aside: Das ist zusätzlich antisemitisch, weil impliziert wird, dass es die Essenz des Jüdisch-seins wäre, Verbrechen gegen andere Menschen zu begehen. 3/x
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You can read my Independent op-ed on the flawed report on #antisemitism in the NUS by signing up for free.… Here's a thread of takeaways from the piece.
Lawyer Rebecca Tuck KC was commissioned by the National Union of Students to report on allegations of #antisemitism in the NUS. Published last month, her report's findings are deeply flawed.1/14
I was interviewed in person by Tuck, and am quoted twice in the report. But I was dismayed by what I found. First, a woeful lack of transparency.2
Read 15 tweets
Toute perte de vie humaine est à déplorer. Mais s’indigner de l’attaque contre les 7 « civils » des colonies israéliennes de Jérusalem-Est & oublier de condamner les meurtres de 9 palestiniens à Jénine relève d’une déshumanisation de la vie des palestiniens très claire. 1/9
Qualifier des colons de « civils » montre une grande méconnaissance du sujet. Les colons font la guerre aux palestiniens tous les jours, les volent, les violentent, avec l’appui de l’armée et de la police. Ces trois forces constituent les forces d’occupation israéliennes. 2/9
Une fois de plus, on déplore la situation en Israël / Palestine quand les israéliens sont touchés par cette violence, occultant la violence quotidienne subie par les palestiniens. En 2022, Israël a tué 231 palestiniens. Le 26 janvier le décompte était déjà de 30 tués en 2023. 3/9
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Nothing terrifies the colony more than evidence of the existence of the indigenous people it's attempting to erase.… #RaisethePalestinianFlag

So terrifying are the indigenous flags to the most heavily armed and technologically advanced colony in the Middle East, that Israel's Minister of National Security calls them "terrorism" and "incitement to terrorism".
Because for Israel, anything Palestinian- from pieces of cloth on a stick to human rights organizations- is terrorism.
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Yesterday Israel's army raided the village of Al-Jawaya (because nothing necessitates a military raid like the task of handing out a piece of paper) in Masafer Yatta, and notified 5 families that it plans to destroy their homes and three water wells.
Israel's crime against humanity, working slowly but methodically to ethnically cleanse the 2500 indigenous Palestinian children, women, and men of Masafer Yatta, is sanctioned- again and again- by its supremest of courts.
Procedure & restraint however were never Israel's strong suit,so while the army handed out copies of military orders on Sunday,informing people their lives are about to be deliberately destroyed, it actually started the destruction on Wednesday, last week.
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Palestinian political prisoner Nasser Abu Hmeid died in an apartheid Israeli jail earlier today as a result of systemic medical negligence.

Read our full statement:
According to @PpsmoMedia, the Palestinian Prisoners Society: “This is part of a systematic [Israeli] policy of medical negligence and delays in providing treatment, which all the [Palestinian] prisoners are exposed to, not just Nasser.”

.@Addameer - Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association reports that since 1967, 233 Palestinian prisoners have died in apartheid Israel’s jails, including 74 who died as a direct result of systematic Israeli medical negligence.

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#BDS Murderous Ziocolony Israel: FactCheck: Exposing the blatant LIES of Jordan Peterson and Benjamin Netanyahu !

A thread ⬇️…
Uncovering the unabashed lies between Peterson and Netanyahu (…) | Ahmed Hammuda (…) | ISLAM21C | 11 Dec 2022
Ahmed Hammuda rebuts the lies recently spewed by psychologist Jordan Peterson and the war criminal, fraudster, repeat adulterer, and pathological liar, Benjamin Netanyahu
Read 101 tweets
Breaking! Absage des @Bundestag zu unserem #BDS-Seminar. Das ist vielleicht so abgelaufen? Mitarbeiter 1: "Ist doch easy. Die BDS-Resolution des BT verbietet jegliche BDS-Veranstaltungen in Bundestagsräumen. Also..." Mitarbeiter 2: "Bis du wahnsinnig!!1! 🧵 ImageImage
Dann liefern wir doch den nächsten Beleg dafür, dass wir die unverbindliche Resolution die ganze Zeit wie ein Gesetz anwenden! Wir müssen uns etwas aus den Fingern saugen... Sind denn die Formalien eingehalten?" 1: "Jo. Keine Chance. Image
Das sind 50 Mitbeantragende plus BT3P, große Bandbreite, vielfach politisch aktiv. Kein Ansatzpunkt nowhere." 2: "Du, ich hab´s. Wir machen das so. Schreib mal:
Read 9 tweets
Hoy es el Día Internacional de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino 🇵🇸.

Otro año más, cabe explicar muy brevemente (no podré mencionar numerosos aspectos) cómo empezó todo en #Palestina-#Israel y cuáles son sus claves históricas.

La cuestión de Palestina:

-No se retrotrae 2.000 años atrás

-No es de índole religiosa (aunque el territorio se conoce como "Tierra Santa" y varios actores utilizan la religión como elemento legitimador)

-No hay un supuesto odio congénito entre personas judías y musulmanas
La cuestión de Palestina es contemporánea y colonial

Empezó en el s. XIX cuando 1 minoría de judíos europeos creó el movimiento #sionista

Su objetivo: crear 1 Estado exclusiva o mayoritariamente judío en el mayor territorio de Palestina

El sionismo no representaba al judaísmo
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We, @CAIR_GA & @ThePCJF today announced the filing of an opening brief in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in our lawsuit against #Georgia's anti-#BDS law on behalf of journalist @AbbyMartin.

Read this thread 🧵to learn more. 1/6
In 2020, @AbbyMartin was invited to speak at a conference at Georgia Southern University. Before the conference, she was asked to sign a pledge not to boycott Israel. The reason for this ludicrous request? Georgia's anti-#BDS law. 2/6
.@AbbyMartin refused to sign the anti-free speech pledge, and the conference was cancelled. Following this incident, we, @CAIR_GA, and @ThePCJF filed suit on her behalf against the state of Georgia and its unconstitutional law. 3/6
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Yesterday marked the 105th anniversary of the #BalfourDeclaration, a fateful, colonial statement by the British government that paved the way for establishing a Jewish supremacist settler-colony in Palestine. Image
The Balfour Declaration laid the foundation for the 1948 #Nakba, the #EthnicCleansing of between 750,000 and 1,000,000 Indigenous Palestinians at the hands of Zionist militias, and subsequently Israeli forces. Image
The ongoing Palestinian Nakba entails Israel’s relentless land theft, denial of human rights & legalized racial discrimination, made possible by massive military, economic & political support from the U.S., EU, U.K. & other complicit states, international orgs & corporations. Image
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Health minister @Subramanian_ma released merit list for #MBBS, #BDS for 2022-23 academic year for seats in the State now @THChennai
Counselling for special categories begins on Oct 19 and for 7.5% government seats will be held on Oct 20. General counselling also begins on Oct 19 @THChennai
1st round counselling results will be released on Oct 30 and students must join colleges by Nov 4. Classes begin on Nov 15 @THChennai
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While the western #MSM conveniently is engaged in another campaign to rail selectively against #Iran’s treatment of woman, another example surfaces of #Apartheid #Israel legitimizing sexual assault against non-Jews without consequence.

To understand why some Israeli’s behave so abhorrently towards non-Jews, one has to understand that some Israeli’s believe in a fundamental interpretation of the Talmud that goyim (Non-Jews) are ‘sub-human’ compared to Jews, and are meant to serve them. Let’s provide an example.
The former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of #Israel from 1973-1983, Ovadia Yosef, interpretation of #Judaism was that: “Goyim (non-Jews) have no place in the world - only to serve the People of Israel.”
This highly influential cleric is by no means alone on this.…
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A new cache of leaked Labour documents shows how Israel lobby operatives worked against former leader Jeremy Corbyn from within the UK’s main opposition party…
Israel lobbyist Luke Akehurst intervened to help save suspended right-wing Labour activist Luke Stanger from expulsion – despite a series of complaints of harassment & intimidation.
The leaked files also detail how Palestine solidarity activists & left-wingers were investigated
leaked files also detail how Palestine solidarity activists/left-wingers were investigated/suspended /expelled frm the party, while right-wing pro-Israel members were protected by senior party figures.
The documents were revealed on Thursday in the 1st episode of #TheLabourFiles
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This is solidarity! ✊🏾

Queer and trans artists turned down work with @PUMA for its #pride campaign in solidarity with the Palestinian call to #BoycottPuma over its complicity in Israeli apartheid. They say no to PUMA's #pinkwashing!

Read their statement:
"In solidarity with movements for Palestinian liberation and the global #BDS movement’s #BoycottPuma campaign, we reject @PUMA's offer. We refuse to allow a company that is complicit in Israeli apartheid to use our queer and trans bodies to pinkwash its global brand image."
"Stand in radical solidarity and love with our Palestinian queer and trans siblings, and integrate the analysis of the #BDS campaign into how you choose who to collaborate with during #Pride season and all year long."
Read 5 tweets

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