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Nov 16th 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No.4360: GE's CEO Larry Culp's CNBC Interview & Subsequent Stock Sell-off • #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #LarryCulp #CEO #GE #GeneralElectric #CrisisManagement #Stock #MediaTraining #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
1/ On Monday 12 November 2018, GE's CEO, Larry Culp gave an interview on CNBC. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis of that exchange and some recommendations and ideas I would propose if he were one of my private clients.
2/ In a business setting, with rare exception, a man should always wear a navy or black suit. Even light grey suits should be avoided, let alone plaid, or beige. Only navy and black suits command the highest authority, rapport, and influence.
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