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Dec 10th 2021
So many people here. So many masks. We will uplift them all :) #HumDekhenge #HumanRights 🇮🇳♥️
Bangalore police will do literally anything but not ensure safety of women and artists in the city. Last night I called various helplines, shared my address and live location, but nobody believed, nobody came to rescue. #HumanRights #MeToo #MenTellAll @BlrCityPolice @CPBlr
I am at @BLRAirport, leaving the city and #Karnataka because the govt, authorities failed to ensure my safety despite multiple requests. Story out this week. Stay tuned. #JournalismIsNotACrime #journorequest Women in B’lore, if you have a similar story to share, please DM. TIA🇮🇳
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