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Mar 10th 2023
In 205 BC it (#Rome) announced that the #Sibylline books for-told that Hannibal would leave Italy if the #Magnamator, a form of the goddess #Cybele should be brought from #Phrygian pescemes to Rome.
Atlas king of Perhamom consented. The #BlackStone which was believed to be incarnation of the Great Mother was shipped to Austia where it was received with impressive ceremony by Scipio Africanus and a band of virtuous matrons.

Cesar to Christ

The Senate was shocked
to find that the new divinity
had to be served
by self emasculated priests.
Such men were found
but no Roman
was allowed to be among them.

The High Preist / Priestess
of #Cybele:
Called the #Galli

#Phrygian hat
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Jul 21st 2022
Mithrasmysterium und die Blase der Wahrnehmung
Teil 3: Die Dreamtime-Modalität des Bewusstseins
Teil 1:
Teil 2:

Die Vorangegangenen Betrachtungen des Pseudo Dionysius ist sehr interessant im Zusammenhang mit
der Eingangsbehauptung zu den Mithras-Mysterien. Der Erwachsene wird aufgefordert, die Erfahrungen, die er bereits als Kind machen mußte, nun auf der nächsten Stufe noch einmal zu machen. Was als Kind für uns eine Zwangsläufigkeit war, machen wir nun scheinbar freiwillig,
wobei man darüber streiten kann, ob man denn wirklich noch eine Wahl hat, wenn man erstmal ein wenig rübergeschaut hat. Wer sich dafür entscheidet, aus "Selbstschutz" in die Enge seines Bewusstseins zurückzukehren, wird niemals wirklich das Gefühl haben,
Read 13 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
Mithrasmysterium und die Blase der Wahrnehmung
#Mithras #Mysterien
Dieses Relief der berühmten Stiertötungsszene aus den Mithras-Mysterien, ehemals in Osterburken, heute im Badischen Landesmuseum in Karlsruhe, zeigt links unten einen Mithraskopf in einem (wolkigen) Kreis. 1/16 Mithras-Relief – C 118
Mithras wird hier als Kleinkind oder Säugling dargestellt, ebenso wie in einigen Abbildungen seiner Felsgeburt, welche mit dieser Darstellung in Verbindung zu stehen scheint. 2/16 Felsgeburt des Mithras; Kul...
So könnte nach Darstellung von Harald Strohm der wolkige Kreis um den Mithraskopf den "Hintergrund trüber Verschwommenheit, der die Kleinen während der ersten Lebenswochen in einem Abstand von 20 Zentimetern umgibt" abbilden. 3/16 Harald Strohm: Mithra oder ...
Read 18 tweets
Jan 15th 2022
What a party outfit! This new speculative digital restoration is the Roman god #Mithras, from a 2nd c. AD Roman sculpture in the British Museum. I’ve used the fresco from the #Mithraeum in Capua as the inspiration for Mithras’ pseudo-Persian outfit. 1/ #tauroctony
The challenge was to interpret and render the colors and designs from the fresco in the #Mithraeum of S. Maria Capua Vetere onto the cult statue of #Mithras. The legging symbols: stars and planets, or rosettes and crowns? 2/
This sculpture is like many others from antiquity - it's had a restoration (19th c.). From documentation, I've been able to create this visual guide to the modern additions. That's why the head isn't *quite* right. Also, he looks too much like the boyish Ganymede. 3/
Read 15 tweets
Jun 20th 2020
(Bonus) Ancient Artefact of the Day: The famous Tauroctony scene from the Mithraeum at Nersae, AD 172, suurounded by other scenes from the myths of Mithras. #AAOTD #Mithras

Image: National Museum of Rome, Baths of Diocletian (CIMRM 650)
As the inscription attests, this was set up by Apronianus, the civic treasurer, at his own expense:

Apronianus rei p(ublicae) ark(arius) sua pecunia fecit.
This is a useful inscription that confirms that at this time the cult had not received state sponsorship, the phrase 'sua pecunia' reinforcing the personal connection between worshipper and cult.
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Sep 25th 2019
Was #Jesus a copy of the #Pagan #Mithras/#Mitra/#Mithra?
Um, #No, and here is why:
It is believed by many that the Hindu god Mitra gave rise to the Persian god Mithra, which in turn gave rise to Mithras. Thus, many Jesus Mythicists will cherry pick aspects of one and apply them to all. Indeed, they throw around the names of Mithras, Mithra and Mitra as if they
were not only the same god, but also had the same theologies.
1. There is some debate as to whether these are indeed the same gods. Most likely, Mitra’s myth gave rise to that of Mithra’s, but this is not known for absolutely sure. Likewise, the Roman Mithras has little in
Read 26 tweets

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