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May 7th 2023
🇺🇦Zelensky offre l’Ukraine à #BlackRock
#Zelensky a reçu la plus grande société de gestion d'actifs au monde, #BlackRock.
#BlackRock (avec #Vanguard et #Blackstone) s’était payé les terres à blé🇺🇦, elle se positionne maintenant pour capter le marché de la reconstruction.
Un accord a été signé le 10 novembre 2022 à Washington (DC), il prévoit que le Financial Markets Advisory de #BlackRock conseille le ministère de l’Économie sur la création d’une feuille de route pour la mise en place d’une plateforme d’investissement.
Elle attirera principalement des capitaux privés. Cela inclut la structure de la plateforme, son mandat et sa gouvernance.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
Local Business Consulting Services Catalytic Consulting Inc…
More #about "#Local Business #ConsultingServices Catalytic Consulting Inc:

Brian Plain | Catalytic Consulting Inc
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D116 Marlborough, MA 01752
(508) 203-1776… #MA #Local #Business #Consulting #Services #Catalytic #Consulting #Inc"
Find additional information #about our independent company #providing business consulting services, in Massachusetts, online today, at "Catalytic Consulting":…
#CatalyticConsulting #MA
Read 16 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
🔴 #SVBBank "Attention aux investisseurs mondiaux ! Ne laissez pas les banques américaines manger votre argent".

Article initialement publié par Global Times (#Chine) le 12 mars 2023

Alors que les analystes de Wall Street ont déclaré que la faillite de la Silicon Valley Bank 🔽 Image
(#SVB) n'entraînera pas de risque systémique pour le système financier dans son ensemble, il convient de noter que les mesures prises par les régulateurs américains pour faire face à l'effondrement de la #SVB et à la gestion des dépôts de ses clients constitueront une 🔽
fenêtre importante pour savoir si la crise a le potentiel de s'aggraver.

L'effondrement de #SVB a provoqué une onde de choc dans les start-ups du monde entier, les entreprises technologiques ayant averti que les retombées potentielles pourraient porter un coup fatal aux 🔽
Read 21 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
In 205 BC it (#Rome) announced that the #Sibylline books for-told that Hannibal would leave Italy if the #Magnamator, a form of the goddess #Cybele should be brought from #Phrygian pescemes to Rome.
Atlas king of Perhamom consented. The #BlackStone which was believed to be incarnation of the Great Mother was shipped to Austia where it was received with impressive ceremony by Scipio Africanus and a band of virtuous matrons.

Cesar to Christ

The Senate was shocked
to find that the new divinity
had to be served
by self emasculated priests.
Such men were found
but no Roman
was allowed to be among them.

The High Preist / Priestess
of #Cybele:
Called the #Galli

#Phrygian hat
Read 5 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
(2/13) Blue Owl was brought up by @SylviaRey Recently

The Mcafee KillSwitch/Blockchain
Data Dropped This Image 👇 I will go Through The Locations In these next tweets ImageImage
(3/13) 🔮What I found Near the Location is More Important than the Location itself

#Blackrock/Blackrock Financial/#Blackstone Group
#Citi & Citi Private

Shadow/Real? Synthetic Everything? 1:1 Seen/Unseen Image
Read 39 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
Find “Marlborough Insurance Agents” At Lunova Insurance: Find Marlborough Insurance Agents At Lunova Insurance “Auto, home, and business owners’ insurance agents in Marlborough MA 01752 at Lunova Insurance” Lunova Insurance Offers (HOME...…
"Find local, #trusted, and #independentMA auto, home, or business owners' insurance agents (#near you in Massachusetts online & local) at #LunovaInsurance:
Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195… #MassachusettsInsuranceAgents"
Read 8 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
Facts You Didn’t Know About St. Louis's Gateway Arch:

"Presidents aren’t allowed to go to the top—except President Eisenhower, who signed the order for the construction of the arch in 1954."…
Designed by the American-Finnish architect Eero Saarinen, architect for the TWA Flight Center, worked for the OSS
"Commissioned in 1939 by TWA's owner Howard Hughes, the Lockheed Constellation broke the era's transcontinental speed record on a flight from Burbank, CA to New York in 1946. The plane also served as Air Force One for President Eisenhower in the 1950s."…
Read 20 tweets
Jul 22nd 2022
#BerkshireHathaway and #Blackstone have BILLIONS IN CASH to buy knowing the crash is near. These predatious inside traders are telling us in their own way what's about to happen. But when?
Let me explain.
On 3/9/22 #JoeBack created Executive Order #EO14067 - Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets -
On 6/5/22 Saturn turned Retro - heading back to🟥 Uranus. We went thru this tumultuous time last year w/ GOV tyranny over cv19. This time will be worse. Saturn has unfinished business to attend to.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 24th 2022
🧵women's historian here for new #historicalcontext for #SCOTUS #abortion ruling. One word: #coverture. #Alito rails on in re: illegality of #abortion in past, but most of that time pd was under #coverture, the #commonlaw doctrine of yore.
Alito's fave dude, #Blackstone defined coverture in 1765 as "By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law: that is, the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage, or at least is incorporated & consolidated into that of the husband..."
"under whose wing, protection, and cover, she performs every thing; and is therefore called in our law-French a feme-covert" Under coverture a woman could not sign contracts, control her own wages etc. If she was run over by a carriage (this is an actual case) husband could sue
Read 9 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
We came up with another write up this weekend on the merger between #IBREALEST and the embassy group. We have tried to cover all the aspects of the merger. Do give it a read and share your thoughts 🙂
A thread 🧵
Indiabulls Real Estate Limited (#IBREALEST ) will be merged with the Embassy group to form “Embassy Developments Ltd” becoming one of India’s largest listed real estate companies.
1/n Image
It will be co-headquartered in Mumbai and Bengaluru. Post-merger, Chairman of #Embassy group Mr. Jitendra Virwani, and others will be classified as new promoters of the merged entity. Former promoter Sameer Gehlaut of IBREL group will be declassified as a promoter.
Read 26 tweets
May 6th 2020
1 year. According to #Blackstone that's when ppl will start running thru their reserves and we'll begin to see distressed assets.

"The fact that we have so much capital, that's a great competitive advantage. We don’t need financing to get things done.”
That IS interesting. I beleive Blackstone equity is backing air bnb - in other words betting on their coming back
Read 3 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
#HedgeFundScams #TheyGotCaught #PPPloans
Shake Shack, owned by Hedge Fund Leonard Green and partners... some 'small business'…
Who else is involved with Leonard Green? #blackstone of course!…
Read 5 tweets
Nov 8th 2019
🤔Seguro que te han contado una y otra vez que el sistema púbico de #pensiones de nuestro país no es sostenible. Lo curioso es que esta afirmación no es nueva, se viene repitiendo desde los años 90.
1⃣Resumiendo existen 2 sistemas de pensiones:

REPARTO: basado en la solidaridad intergeneracional, que en España pasa por cotizar a la seguridad social.

CAPITALIZACIÓN: bancos o fondos invierten el ahorro de los trabajadores. La pensión dependerá de cómo salgan esas inversiones
2⃣El sistema de capitalización se impulsó por 1ª vez en la Chile de Pinochet. Lo implantó José Piñera para sustituir el sistema de reparto. Piñera preside actualmente el Centro Internacional para la Reforma de Pensiones, un Think Tank para exportar el modelo chileno.
Read 16 tweets
Oct 19th 2019
Why am I being blocked? I am nobody. Who is he? My curiosity gets the best of me. Oh @BenKTallmadge u won’t believe this. Please hear me out.

Let us do forwards or backwards?
你们要反共 共产党建国元勋们出手了

谁是Shaun Rein 这人身世更加神秘
动乱的中国 红色政权互相绞杀

还是认为中国的江山是他们的 只不过哪个当权而已 但共产党的专制本质还是需要维持!

At least he is married to a princeling, Jessica Luo. Her mother is Ye Xiangzhen. Her granddad is Ye Jianying.
@Jkylebass @robert_spalding
You have to understand why you two are being hated by CCP, not only the ones in China but also thousand and thousands of princelings in US.

Ye JiangYing was born in MeiZhou, Guangdong. The family thinks HK is theirs!

But you guys! rocking the boat
Read 55 tweets

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