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Mar 17th 2022
Heartfelt homage to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a champion of human rights and freedom, on his birth anniversary. His ideals continue to inspire millions across the world.
#LiberationofBangladesh #MuktiJudho #Maitree
Congratulations to the people of Bangladesh on their National Day. The proclamation of Independence by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman this very day in 1971 is a moment in history that paved the way for the Liberation of Bangladesh.
#LiberationofBangladesh #MuktiJudho #Maitree
বাংলাদেশের জনগণকে তাদের জাতীয় দিবসে অভিনন্দন। ১৯৭১ সালের এই দিনেই বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের স্বাধীনতার ঘোষণা ইতিহাসের একটি মুহূর্ত যা বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতার পথ প্রশস্ত করেছিল।
#LiberationofBangladesh #MuktiJudho #Maitree ImageImageImage
Read 116 tweets
Nov 22nd 2021
On evening of 03 Dec 1971, then PM Smt Indira Gandhi announced-
''I speak to you at a moment of grave peril to our country...The Pakistan Air Force suddenly struck at our airfields in Amritsar, Pathankot, Srinagar, Avantipur, Utterlai, Jodhpur, Ambala & Agra''
The first hostilities had broken-out between India & Pakistan!
However, known to a few, Pakistani Submarine Ghazi was already on the prowl on the Eastern coast of India since end-Nov - its target, the aircraft carrier #INSVikrant - the pride of #IndianNavy (2/n).
#NavalArchives Image
In fact, from 27 Nov onwards, PNS Ghazi hung around 5-10 miles off the harbour entrance, armed with torpedoes & mines, waiting for Vikrant.
Did Ghazi get its target? Or did Vikrant manage to counter the deadly submarine?
To know more, watch this space (3/n)

Read 25 tweets

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