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Oct 15th 2022

2QFY23 Result Update

#hdfcbank #2qfy23

Standalone numbers:

Net Interest Income (#NII) at 21,021cr (up 19% YoY)
#Loan Growth 23% YoY, #Deposit Growth 19% YoY

Non-interest Inc (Inc treasury) at 7,596cr (up 3% YoY, lower growth due to less treasury income this year)
#Treasury Inc at 253cr (lower by 71% YoY, due to higher bond yield this year vs last year)

Total Operating Exps at 11,225cr (up 21% YoY)
Cost to Income Ratio at 39.2% vs 37% last year.

Operating Profit at 17, 392cr (up 10% YoY, lower growth due to lower treasury inc this yr)
Provision for Loan loss / NPA at 3,240cr (lower by 17% YoY, no covid related provision this year and better recovery)

Net Profit at 10,606cr (up by 20% YoY)
Consolidated Net Profit at 11,125cr (up by 22% YoY)

Net NPA Ratio at 0.33% vs 0.40% last year, 0.35% as on 1QFY23.
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