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Aug 29th 2021
In keeping with our commitment to push for the observance of journalistic ethics in news organisations, Network of Women In Media, India (NWMI) is sharing here the details of a troubling experience we have had with the Germany-based @DeutscheWelle’s @dwnews. (1/n)
In early June 2021, NWMI's attention was drawn to an article titled "India: COVID claims lives of hundreds of journalists" by Murali Krishnan @mkrish11 published by @dwnews' website on May 27. The article quoted a Preeti Kapoor, who was identified solely as an NWMI member. (2/n)
This @dwnews report also cited a statement issued by NWMI in April 2021 about the impact of COVID on Indian journalists. There were several problems with the @dwnews article including that: (i) there is no Preeti Kapoor among NWMI’s members (ii) our statement was misquoted. (3/n)
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