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Mar 6th 2020
Teaching Rounds Day 5


Hold your breath.



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Is there an approach to thrombocytopenia?
I don't think so.

There are just way, way to many possibilities to make progress with just this information alone.

How can we make this a less cognitively challenging task?
Study the company that platelets keep... Image
Read 15 tweets
Apr 28th 2019
What I find strange about
eliminating 50 Million Tree program is that it’s exactly type of land stewardship program conservatives should like as it supports volunteer action by landowners rather than impose regulatory req. to plant trees on private property #WINWIN
The PR folks in Premier's Office are claiming that tree planting by the Forest Industry (which is a legal requirement and mostly happens in northern Ontario to reforest logged areas) some how makes up for the elimination of tree planting programs in southern Ontario. It doesn't.
Firstly, the Forest Industry is legally required to re-establish forests on crown lands that they log through tree-planting or other means. 95 % of lands in southern Ontario are privately owned and reforestation regulations don't apply.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 6th 2019
Angela Davis is coming to @UWMadison for the @WUD_DLS in April. What do I have to do to get invited to a meal with her?! Twitter, tell them I’m clearly the faculty member for the job. I’m a black queer feminist activist academic. Davis is one of my heroes! Pick me!!!
Just heard from the director of the lecture series that I will be added to the list for a small reception with Dr. Davis!!!!
Read 3 tweets

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