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Apr 29th 2022
Probably the MOST abused and thus harmful principle of the #Agile Manifesto is:

"Responding to change over following a plan"

Here's a thread ๐Ÿงตon how to think about it in logical and rational way, that hopeful removes whatever confusion people have.

#product #prodmgmt

Each of the 4 main statements of Manifesto are structured as

<a> over <b>


Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Meaning that while both may be necessary, focus MORE on the left i.e. <a>, and LESS on the right i.e. <b>

But as is often the case, people misunderstand, misconstrue or corrupt simple statements and often these are interpreted as:

<a> NOT <b>


Responding to change and NOT following a plan

It's strange, but not unexpected that this happens, albeit rather selectively.

Read 11 tweets
Dec 29th 2021
Three times I've written drafts of this thread in my Roam, and three times I've failed to publish it.

But Feynman is right

So for next 4 hours: one like one tweet on difficult lessons and painful mistakes I made as CEO in 2021

In the words of Bill O'Reilly "We'll do it live" Image
First: A confession.

You know the trope of the Zealot who condemns in the world the thing they are ashamed of within themselves?

Think of the fundamentalist who wants to stone gays, but turns out to be closeted.

Tonight I finally saw that same level of hypocrisy in myself.
I've got a lot of tweets to fill, and it's been a long time since I actually put adequate effort into communicating something that felt important.. so rather than trying to be pithy I'm going to do this more stream of conscious and tell a few of these as stories

So... context...
Read 29 tweets

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