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Jul 26th 2021
DAWN in its Editorial Writes:

“IT would not be an exaggeration to describe Pakistan is no country for women.”

Let me school this anti Pakistan bigoted newspaper.


1. According to The UN Women, violence against women is (sadly) a Golbal phenomenon.

2. 736 million women, almost 1 in 3 were subjected to partner violence.

3. Women up to 30 years of age were subjected to non partner sexual violence once in their lives.

4. 649 million women globally were subjected to violence by current or former husbands or partners

5. 24% of girls up to age 19 years have experienced physical and sexual abuse.

6. 13% of women up to the age of 49 years were subject of violence in the past 12 months

7. 137 women are killed everyday around the world by a member of their own family.

Read 7 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
نور مقدم کیس میں اک آڈیو لیک ہوئی ہے
جس کے مطابق مجرم جعفر نے لندن میں اپنی والدہ یہ بھی ایسی ہی کوشش کی تھی
پرتشدد ہوا تھا مگر مارنے میں کامیاب نہ ہوسکآ
نور جعفر کی دفعہ وہ بدقسمتی سے کآمیاب ہوگیا اور مار ڈآلا
آڈیو کے مطابق 2019میں اسلام آباد میں اک گھر میں پارٹی
پارٹی کے دوران چار لڑکیاں قتل ہوئیں تھیں جس کی کوئی روپورٹ نہ درج ہوئی نہ یہ کیس منظر عام پہ آ سکا
وہ گھر جہاں پارٹی ہوئی وہ ظاہر جعفر کا تھا
ایسے ایسے نفسیاتی تشدد پسند ہمارے ارگرد پائے جاتے ہیں
اور ہم لاعلم رہتے ہیں

Read 4 tweets
Jul 24th 2021
#NoorMukaddam was violently murdered as a crowd of friends, servants and Zahid’s family were just standing around outside.According to allegedly leaked audio of the Therapy Works team,all Zakir Jaffer had to say light-heartedly was “I think he’s soliciting a girl inside.” —1
Remember, she actually managed to ESCAPE that room. She jumped off and was almost at the gate. That is the point when you’ve made it, you think now you’ll be rescued. And yet no one came to help till she was dragged back inside by the psychopath. —2
If the Therapy Works team came hours later & already found a crowd outside, which must have taken time to gather—even if they could never imagine this gruesome murder,they knew a woman was being subjected to violent abuse and not one called the police. —3
Read 7 tweets
Jul 24th 2021
Will we ever stop judging people on how they look? The careless and callous remarks on #NoorMukaddam murder on why she was away for nights and why she was meeting a male, are not just disturbing but show the perverted sickness of mentality, fast growing in society.
Safety measures, being vigilant is indeed extremely important, especially in a society rife with crime and where there is little hope of punishment for the criminals, and yes, I am one of those who believes following religion saves one from a lot of unpleasantries in life, yet.
The callousness of why driving alone, why going alone, every 'why' targeting the victim, not the criminal has become a pathetic pattern.We MUST stop. Every citizen deserves protection. Ever criminal must be brought to #justice, stop spreading disinformation like infection .
Read 10 tweets

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