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Apr 4th 2023
🔥#OrAI blockchain is working to develop a very rare feature.

@oraichain will enable its users to interact with flexible smart contracts using face authentication as discussed earlier.

But how will this work?
How will Oraichain be able to achieve the face recognition feature?

#Oraichain uses AI-powered oracles to provide reliable & secure data for smart contracts.
These oracles can perform various tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, & more.

1 of these tasks is face verification.

@oraichain uses an AI model that can compare 2 images of faces & determine if they belong to the same person or not
Read 11 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
Ever imagined what yield farming with #OrAI would be like? Well, there you have it; AI Yield Farming!

Yield farming using AI services on @oraichain (yAI) is a novel way to earn passive income by providing liquidity and data to AI-powered smart contracts.🧵
yAI is a protocol that allows users to create and deploy AI-powered smart contracts on Oraichain, a data oracle platform that connects AI APIs to blockchain.

Users can provide liquidity to these smart contracts by staking $ORAI tokens, the native currency of #Oraichain.
By staking ORAI tokens, users can earn fees from the AI services that are consumed by the smart contracts.

For example, if a smart contract uses an AI API to generate text, image, or video, the user who staked ORAI tokens will receive a portion of the fee paid by the...
Read 7 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
The crypto #AI narrative is a firestorm!

50x overvaluations in the next bull run are likely

Research now and find the next AI $ETH OR $BTC

🧵16 AI projects that are on FIRE right now👇
This thread covers:

a) The 8 biggest AI projects
b) 8 Interesting Small/Low Caps (DEGEN PLAYS)


Almost all AI projects at least multiplied by 3x already.

If you decide to hop on the 1 month old trend you are buying at all time high.
1 @graphprotocol

rumored to be "the Google of crypto," is a indexing protocol for searching prominent blockchains.

Anyone can build & publish open APIs, call subgraphs, making data easily accessible

#thegraph $GRT
Read 25 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
كشف حساب
ماذا قدمت للمحتوي العربي و في ماذا أخطأت منذ 2021 الي 2023 منذ بدايه مشاركة تحليلي ونظرتي
1-حذرت من القمة 61 الف
2- حذرت من الهبوط50% عند 47الف
3- حذرت من العبوط عند 31 الف
4- حذرت عند 20 الف قبل كسر قاع ftx
5-دخلت السوق من 16100
6- حذرت من جشع فريق عملة icp عند سعر 70$
7- وصيت علي عمله #step وحققنا فيها 10 دبلات و خرجنا من قمتها

8- وصيت علي عملة #Deso من سعر 5,60 وخرجت عند 20$ 3 دبل

9-وصيت علي عملة #SYLO وحققنا فيها دبل

10-وصيت علي عملة #Orai من سعر دولار الان 5$

11-وصيت علي #apt من سعر 4$ الان 18$

12-وصيت علي #high من سعر 1$ الان 3,30$
13- وصيت علي neer من 19سينت و خرجنا من 50سينت دبل ونصف

15- وصيت علي azero من 70 سينت الان 1,30$

16-وصيت علي cru عند 0,78 الان 1,60

وباقي العملات اللي وصيت عليها الان علي ربح مابين10% الي 30% زي #mover #Boson #pyr #ksm
هذا ما اتذكره الان
Read 5 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
$ORAI 🧵 #AI is a hot trend right now. Read this brief overview to find out how one project, @oraichain is incorporating AI into #crypto

Introduction to ORAI:
Oraichain is a blockchain network that enables users and smart contracts to securely request data from AI APIs.
Read 35 tweets

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