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Oct 16th 2021
Hey peops with #DID #OSDD we reached out in a #DID forum to ask if anyone was prepared to help us a logo for our system name which is ETERNITY. As we’ve a background in marketing we gave some thought to our collective ‘brand identity’, a logo being an outward expression of that.
We wanted an alternative to ‘my’ face because of course not all of our internal family see themselves this way. So we very much hope this will help with the dysphoria system members feel when they see my image on social media in profiles etc.
We explained how our system name came about in the first live webinar we did which hopefully many of you have seen/listened to. We also took inspiration from the web about symbols that represent ETERNITY / eternal / infinity.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 27th 2021
Just a heads up i'm gonna do a mini rant on here -
There could be some touchy subjects in it, and i'll thread the whole thing -so if you're a bit on the sensitive end (valid btw.) - try not to read it unless you like being poked in the brain. CONTINUE ON DEAR READERS!
Ok this has to do with #plural #osdd #ActuallyAutistic and #ADHD - (Plural/OSDD and Autism are self diagnoses, though both have been semi recognized under the table by professionals - my ADHD still isn't entirely recognized)
Ok now that we have those two things out of the way let's go to the core of it. *Pun intended btw.* - It's been two months. Two months since we started being slowly more open about everything. Two months since the anxiety seizures have MOSTLY gone away.
Read 37 tweets

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