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Aug 14th 2021
● Les #Talibans sont ce samedi 14 aout soir à #CharAsyab, à 11 kilomètres au sud de #Kaboul
■ August 14, #Taliban reaches Char Asyab district, just 7 miles from the Afghan capital, #Kaboul…
Avec la chute ce samedi soir de #CharAsyab à 11 kms de #Kaboul, son siège est imminent et sa chute davantage question d'heures que des jours. Toutes les ambassades accélèrent les évacuations.
Une nouvelle nuit noire tombe sur l'Afghanistan. #Tristesse…
● Une panne d'électricité plonge #Kaboul dans le noir ce samedi 14 août soir, annonciateur probable du siège #Taliban.
■ A power outage plunged #Kabul into darkness on Saturday 14 August, a likely precursor to the taliban siege.
(( HT & Pic @RebeccaRambar ))
#AfghanistanBurning Image
Read 20 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
When USA and Nato invaded Afghanistan post 9|11 they then helped form a government made up from warlords and criminals who were the ones responsible for the damage and deaths of countless of people. All that aid went to the pockets of these warlords. Image
The people had lost trust in the corrupt government. It's no secret that large number of army and police recruits were drug addicts. The army still some very patriotic soldiers however it's the leadership and warlords which is corrupt.
The best solution here for the Afghan people is if there is a peace deal between the two parties and fighting stops. But I highly doubt that TB will push for that now that they have made such gains and will have the upper hand in the negotiation table. May Allah bring peace.
Read 786 tweets

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