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May 8th 2021
OR -- #EndTheFilibuster

Have people read these unholy laws they're passing?

I read GA's SB01 and R's can effectively hijack all positions of election authority to the end of appointing an election czar that can toss votes at their discretion.
And they're milled bills from a single template (a "model" bill - ref ALEC) so presumably they all allow this to whatever extent possible.

We NEED to -

And we are out of time!
Read 5 tweets
Dec 21st 2020
🚨New Thread🚨:
Today I’m gonna take a deep dive into how Congressional corruption started, what it looks like now, how it affects critical issues, and how to fix it
The story of corruption of Congress begins in 1993 on the eve of the 1994 midterms. Newt Gingrich, since he was elected to Congress in 1978, had been involved in the process of changing how the parties treat each other and speak to each other.
Initially, his politics of hate and division didn’t catch on, and was widely frowned upon by Democrats and other Republicans. Although there were great policy differences, members of both parties made an effort to be bipartisan, and drew a line between a person and their
Read 31 tweets

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