Have people read these unholy laws they're passing?
I read GA's SB01 and R's can effectively hijack all positions of election authority to the end of appointing an election czar that can toss votes at their discretion.
If your concerned that ending the filibuster will deny it to us as a minority, allowing the GOP tyrannical control, then let me clear that up for you.
April, 2019, Mitch McConnell vows to deny Dems the passage of any "liberal" bills, stating, "Think of me as the Grim Reaper"
He then blocked over 400 bills from even a vote.
That . . . is tyranny.
If we do not #EndTheFilibuster asap the next round is fascist authoritarian rule and it involves more than an academic gridlock in govt.
And we may never see democracy in this country again.
We're already in a semi-police state, have endured one coup attempt and now that the tooth is loose you can see the swath of election rigging laws and rights thefts spilling out across the land, wiggling it the rest of the way out.
I wish people would stop saying Dems are just too nice.
If that were true you'd be getting $2K checks weekly, have had M4A for years, $25 min wage etc etc...
After Trump the cat is out of the bag and dancing naked.
If we are subsidizing tax scam just, which is criminal theft from the working class and poor and Dems ALL know this, then imagine 1950s tax rates applied to the wealthy instead.
This is a rich country full of poverty.
It's like people are explaining
☝😌 Trickle down is a lie
While we're light years past that and Democrats are letting Republicans do 👇 to us
All of it is attached to strings that they dummy puppet you around with.
And they fill our ranks with mimics who always see the bright side and who condemn you when you challenge etiquette and speak to expectations of propriety.
I say "cull" as to weed, for it may be of use to have an extreme poverty class. One tough enough to survive the bottleneck they've created. A class easy to exploit for taxation and cheap labor.
If I'm wrong then perhaps it is only our death they care to profit from.
I'm unsure exactly but I am sure that the many of us are being exterminated. Euthanized slowly and surrounded by the spectacle of absurdity in optimism for things that math has no use for.
When one considers the full text of the 14th amendment, it is MASSIVELY scoped - covers fed to state, civil or military . . .
From Giuliani to McEnany to faithless electors and anyone involved in this coup attempt would appear to be disqualified to serve in govt.
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As far as I can see it would be effective immediately, and all would qualify for prosecution under 18 U.S. Code § 2384.Seditious conspiracy, a law that has been used as recently as 2010.
@HouseDemocrats & #DOJ are compelled to enforce 14A or Congress vote to allow them.
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PS The reason I put this to House Dems rather than the Senate is because it requires a majority vote to 'forgive' these seditionists and most of our Senate majority is complicit (self pardons - no).
So. Now we have this problem of 126 GOP who were so brazen in their attempt to overthrow our government that everyone who's not on the red pill (the majority of us) that it's intolerable to think of them being involved in govt at all.
Technically any of them with license to practice law should be disbarred.
That they probably won't be completely throttles trust in the bar. What kind of law do they respect or regulate if the betrayal of the very system of govt under which they practice is tolerable?
They should be prosecuted for, at minimum, seditious conspiracy and probably several other charges (election fraud, conspiracy to overthrow the US Govt etc).
The fact that they probably won't be means they will forever be a threat to our Constitution - even if unseated.
Characterizing Trump as "desperate", because it is so often qualified as "failing" or "struggling against the odds" is another way we underestimate him. There is little, if anything, to stop his theft of this election.
People cite his treatment of his own supporters as him 'taking everything out with him' when he's taken out of office. In fact he treats them that way because he's confident he's got his theft in the pocket and he's never cared about them.
This conclusion that he will not be held stopped can be easily extrapolated from the fact that it is only law that enforces elections and he has a crime list a mile long, including against children and babies, and nobody is stopping any of that.