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Jul 3rd 2021
As part of #Rafale deal,#Dassault investing around €100 million in JV with #RelianceDefence (RD),as part of Offset obligations,which is less than 3% of total #Offset obligations

RD,not getting US$20 billion or even US$4 billion as liar Rahul Gandhi claimed,but less than $120mn
Reliance Defence,was formed after purchase of #PipavavDefence,which was in business of building warships &other vessels for Indian navy for years

So Reliance Defence,not a new company,as alleged by #Congress troll #RahulGandhi&his foolhardy acolytes
#Rafale deal,completely clean
During earlier round of bidding for #MMRCA,under @INCIndia led #UPA govt,#Dassault tied up with Reliance Aerospace,which was newly formed company,without any experience in defence or aircraft business

So it is not @narendramodi govt but #Congress that has lot to explain

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