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Mar 10th 2022
Maliparbat, a bauxite-rich hill in Koraput, Odisha, is leased to manufacturing giant #HINDALCO & a public hearing today will decide the future of this lease. Of the 44 villages in the area, 41 oppose the mining. In our quest for development, are we sidelining indigenous voices?🧵
Local resistance led to the mines being closed in 2010, but #Hindalco sought to renew the environmental clearance for bauxite mining on Maliparbat. When the local communities protested at public hearings, they were met with harsh treatment from the police.…
The PESA Act and the #ForestRightsAct grant the Adivasis of Maliparbat autonomy over the land. This autonomy is doubly important given the locals' reliance on forest produce for medicine and healthcare, since public healthcare is often inaccessible.…
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Mar 21st 2021
1. For decades #MumbaiPolice & politicians ran protection rackets 4 mafia dons including Dawood.

Now Mafia Dons propped up by #PakISI have become PROTECTORS of Mumbai cops & political dons #VazegateDebate @republic
2. In recent years,#PakISI started dictating even political agenda

Hence SharadPawar & ParambirSingh’s involvement in Hindu Terror #FakeNarrative, incarceration of Col Purohit, Sadhvi Pragya & others.

Getting more brazen: Now targeting #MukeshAmbani at China's behest
3.Shiv Sena from very start has been #HaftaVasooli Goonda Party set up by Congress to:

Smash Mumbai trade unions;
To counter growing might of Shetkari Sangathana led farmers movement;
Congress gave them liquor shop licenses to help them spread to villages.

#VazeGate @republic
Read 6 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
#Demystifying #EIANotification Part III (Cont)
Today we tk up #Public #Consultation.

There was a time when development of an area meant setting up of a 'factory'. But not anymore. PPl hv experienced that a 'factory' may not mean good jobs 4 locals. It often means diversion of
local resources like land, water, forests etc; diversion or damming of streams; mining of hills and forests; pollution of air, lands and water; Cases of new or increase in diseases; growth of mafias and crime etc.

It is also known that d State does not own nature or+
natural resources, but holds it in #trust on behalf of #Public.
Also any project/activity planned by State or Pvt entity must primarily b in Public Interest. Even a privately planned project cannot be against #Public #Interest.

The env impact of a project/activity may not+
Read 16 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
#Demystefying #EIANotification
Today we consider the very 'soul' of d legal instrument called #EIANotification namely d #EIA #Report
An EIA Report is meant to be a thorough scientific document that a professional agency prepares after detailed investigations+
of d likely environmental impacts that d planned project / activity is anticipated to hv at d #site in #question.

Its (#EIA #report) quality wud depend on:
a) Competence of d agency involved
b) Independence of d agency
c) Transparency & inclusive nature of d exercise
The reality of an #EIA #report is that:

Right from #EIA1994Notification to #EIA2006 & now #DraftEIA2020 d #notification provides that it is d #ProjectProponent (PP) that shall #select & #commission the #EIAconsultant at its own cost & terms.

This provision alone+
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