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Feb 21st 2023
Reposted on the occasion of Sri #GuruRaayara #PattabhishekaDinotsava (22.02.2023)
Phalguna Sukla Dwiteeya, the auspicious day,
the sacred name, powerful Tharaka mantra,
#RaAgHavendra🙏took birth in the year 1621.
the sacred day, #Mantralaya Guru Sarvabhouma, Rajaadhiraaja Guru Sri #RaaghavendraSwamy (GuruRayaru) took Sanyasa deeksha, ascended the throne of #VedantaSamrajya founded by Sri #MadhvacharyaRu.
It was in the year 1621 A.D. of Durmathi Naama Samvatsara, Phalguna Sukla Dwiteeya, Sri #Venkatanathacharya (Poorvasrama naama of Sri #Raaghavendra Swamy) took Sanyasa Deeksha from his Guru Sri #SudheendraTheertharu.
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Jan 15th 2023
A prominent Saint from Haridasa tradition, aparoksha jnaani, great astrologer, Mahathyaagi, ardent devotee of GuruRayaru, one who has expanded divine term RAGHAVENDRA, believed to be Sri VigneswaraAmsha, one who has shown SriHari dhanyopasana/Bimbopasana krama,
Sri #GopalaDasaru ImageImageImage
Uttanoor Rushikulottama Sri Gopala Dasaru (1722-1762) - Pushya Bahula Ashtami (today) is HIs punya thithi.
Born in Mosarakallu village of Raichur district in Karnataka state, his original name was Bhaganna. A contemporary of Sri Vijaya Dasaru & Sri Jagannatha Dasaru...+
initiated into HaridasaDeekshe by Sri Vijayadasaru, played significant role in spreading philosophy of Dvaita/Tattvavada for novice understanding. Attained Gayatri mantra siddhi, well-versed in Bhoota-Bhavishyat-Vartamana kalajnana, wrote more than 1000 keertanas/Suladis.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
#Bhagawadgita chintana🧵
Margasira sukla Ekadasi is revered as Geeta Jayanthi, the day Lord #SriKrishna counselled Arjuna with his famous preaching #Bhagawadgita. But it was not first time Supreme God preaching the philosophy and Arjuna was not the first person to be imparted with the divine knowledge.+
In 4th Canto #JnaAnaYoga (sloka #1) Sri Krishna says,
" I taught this imperishable Yoga (Bhagawadgita)
to #Vivaswan (Sun God-Surya);
He (#Surya) in turn taught it to #Manu (#Vaivaswatha) who in turn taught it to #Ikshvaaku (in whose dynasty Lord Sri #Ramachandra was born)". +
Read 32 tweets
Sep 3rd 2022
Sri #JagannathaDasaru (1728-1809) - Maanvi
(Bhadrapada Sukla Navami)

Daasavaryam dayaasindhum dooreekruta duraashiram !
#Harikathamritavaktaaram Jagannaatha gurum bhajE !!
Sri Jagannatha Dasaru (1728-1809) is considered as #SaHlaAda (brother of Prahlada RaAyaru) amsha whose poorvasrama name was Srinivasacharya; ++
Sri Puranadara Dasaru - Sri Vijaya Dasaru - Sri Jagannatha Dasaru and Sri Gopala Dasaru together are called DaAsa Chatushtaya - the four stalwarts of Haridasa tradition, who have played a significant role in spreading the philosophy of Hari sarvottama - VaAyu Jeevottama;
Read 30 tweets
Aug 13th 2022
durvAdi dhvAMta ravayE vaiShNavEMdeevarEMdavE |
srI #rAghavEMdra guravE namO~tyaMta #dayAlavE ||

This sloka is #charama sloka on Sri Guru #RaAghavendra Theertharu composed by His disciple and successor Sri #YogeEndra Theertharu;

like Sun dispels darkness, #GuruRaAyaru destroys ignorance, wrong tenets; doctrines/vipareeta jnaana born out of negative tendencies, He is like Moon in granting boons to devotees of Vishnu who believe in Hari-Sarvottamatva; (contd...+)
My obeisance & salutations to the utmost compassionate, kind & merciful Guru Sri #Raaghavendra🙏🙏🙏
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Aug 11th 2022
पूज्याय राघवेंद्राय सत्यधर्मरताय च।
भजतां कल्पवृक्षाय नमतां कामधेनवे॥
ಪೂಜ್ಯಾಯ ರಾಘವೇಂದ್ರಾಯ ಸತ್ಯಧರ್ಮರತಾಯ ಚ |
ಭಜತಾಂ ಕಲ್ಪವೃಕ್ಷಾಯ ನಮತಾಂ ಕಾಮಧೇನವೇ ||
Poojyaaya Raaghavendraaya satyadharmarataayacha
Bhajataam kalpavrukshaaya namataam kaamadhenave;

Above sloka is one of the most popular, meritorious and meaningful sloka on Mantralaya Guru SaArvabhouma Sri Raaghavendra Swamy; It is not an exaggeration that there is no devout Hindu household who doesn't know or recite this simple but powerful sloka; +++
It will B more devotional if this sloka is recited knowing its meaning/significance. For a common man it's a remedy, for a Vedanti (scholar) it speaks volumes about glory of GuruRayaru. Let's try to make novice understanding of this beautiful sloka yatha-shakti, yatha yogyata. ++
Read 29 tweets

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