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May 17th 2023
📢 We’re out here at the SF @EPA office for our Rally and Press Conference for Our Lives #BayArea w/ @SunflowerAction @WOEIP @EnvDefenseFund!

Follow our thread below 🧵 ⬇️ for updates as we urge authorities to clean up CA's dirty ocean #shipping! 🚢
We’re calling on the U.S. @EPA to APPROVE ✅ life-saving #CleanAir amendments by @AirResources that are needed to clean up dirty ocean shipping & protect our health from #FossilFuel ship pollution. 🔥

Let's get started!
.@CityofRichmond Mayor Eduardo Martinez shares about #FossilFuel shipping: 👇

“We know we need to stop all these diesel guzzling ships from coming in and out of our ports — and that’s what we’re going to do in Richmond.”

#RuleOutShipPollution Image
Read 6 tweets
May 17th 2023
Couldn’t make it to our Rally and Press Conference for Our Lives #LosAngeles event today?

Follow along in real-time as we urge local, state & federal decision-makers to prioritize #CleanAir, save lives & reduce ship #pollution in portside communities! 🚢

Our thread below: 🧵👇
PE, @EYCEJ @MoveLATransit @Earthjustice @SierraClubCA are at the @PortofLA Administration Building in the San Pedro neighborhood of LA to urge the @EPA to approve #CleanAir amendments by @AirResources to clean up dirty ocean #shipping 🚢 and SAVE LIVES.

We're getting started! 👋 Image
Pacific Environment's Dawny'all Heydari & @EYCEJ's Jan Victor Andasan kick off today's event, calling on @EPA @AirResources to #RuleOutShipPollution! 🚢 🌊 ImageImage
Read 8 tweets

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