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May 18th 2022
#TheDreamThieves for #AZAG is in #PreOrder!

This is the first official module for this #SwordAndSorcery #TTRPG of modern reinterpretation of classic British #Games (and it’s compatible with Troika as well).…

#DnD #FightingFantasy #ShowYourWork #RPGLATAM Image
In this adventure the characters try to steal back a #Dream from the #Sorcerers who take them from those who enter their domain.

#DnD #AFF #FightingFantasy #ShowYourWork #RPGLATAM ImageImage
It’s a #Surreal #Heist adventure that can be played with different levels of difficulty and is procedural generated, allowing you to play it differently every time you sit at the table!

#DnD #AFF #FightingFantasy #ShowYourWork #RPGLATAM ImageImage
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