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Feb 7th 2023
And to my colleagues? The ones calling me "crazy" or "not believable" ? I will be writing about you next.

I mean, if I feel like it.

I don't know if I feel like it. I have not decided yet.

I have two other books with @HarperCollins before I get around to writing abt you
There's no way in hell I'm going to interrupt my current memoir to suddenly pay attention to some standard abuse that we disabled faculty (and students and staff) receive all the time. Abuse so standard? I already wrote about version of it

No, the memoir will not be about you.
What do I mean by "I already wrote about version of [standard abuse of disabled ppl inside higher ed]" ?

Here's "Some Husbands I Work With." It appears in @epiphanylit and these are tags & content warnings : #EmilyDickinson #SpousalHires #Censorship #Disabled #AcademicChatter Photo of a piece of paper w...
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