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Right, now you’re all experts on what the shapes mean, what about the colours..... obviously this is hard to tell from black and whites, but there are some rules to follow...

#TankMarkings #SWW #History #WW2
Generally the squadron markings come in 3 colours, Red, Yellow or Blue, which is decided by the seniority of the regiment in the brigade, or they come in White if the regiment is not part of a brigade.

*Regimental seniority will come up again in another thread!
Red is the colour for the senior Regiment in the brigade.
So in our example these Churchills have the A Squadron triangle is Red. ImageImage
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British tank markings Part 1
Easy, 4 geometric shapes.

Diamond for Regimental HQ, as modelled by this Crusader from 11th Armd.

#TankMarkings #SWW #History #WW2 ImageImage
Next, A Squadron used a triangle, looks a bit like an A, so that’s easy...

Modelled by 2nd Northant Yeomanry with their lovely A30 Challenger. ImageImage
B Squadron used a square....
Doesn’t really look like a B... so we’ll go withB is for Box!
(Not hard is it 😉)

This time modelled by Staff Yeomanry and their charming Sherman Vc ImageImage
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