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Mar 7th 2023
#Britain HAS been 'invaded' & 'taken over' by dangerous 'aliens' intent on destroying Britain. But not by asylum seekers, refugees, or migrants - by toxic billionaires Rupert Murdoch & Jonathan Harmsworth, & Tory extremists.🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🇬🇧

#EnoughIsEnough #StopThePressBarons #Leveson2
Since #Brexit, the UK Govt has been brazen about bringing in Koch-funded extremists from a global network of free-market 'think tanks' to shape Govt policy, generate divisive culture war headlines, & push Britain further to the right than ever before.

The Nazis' political strategy was to make alliances with the rich, & divide voters by using #propaganda to scapegoat minorities & vilify political opponents, thus securing just enough votes to become the Govt. Just 29% of the electorate voted Tory in 2019.
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