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Oct 6th 2022
Let's-a-go! The first teaser trailer for The #SuperMarioBros Movie is here
Nintendo fans get their first look at Mario, Bowser, Toad and more in the new trailer for #TheSuperMarioBrosMovie
#TheSuperMarioBrosMovie teaser also features a look at Luigi, in what appears to be a reference to Luigi's Mansion
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Jan 3rd 2020
Inicio un hilo en el que iré incluyendo los videojuegos que vaya terminando este año 2020. Seguramente haya muchos que habré comenzado el año anterior, e incluso antes, pero lo importante es cuando se termina. ✌️

¡Vamos allá! 🎮🎮🎮
World of Illusion - Mega Drive Mini

Lanzado en 1992 para la consola de #SEGA, este cartucho de #MegaDrive fue probablemente el primer videojuego cooperativo que jugué en mi vida. Y qué mejor forma de comenzar el año rejugándolo y recordando viejos momentos de mi infancia. 🙂 Image
Luigi's Mansion - Nintendo 3DS

Original de #GameCube en 2001, #Nintendo nos sorprendería con una subsaga del universo #Mario que introduce nuevas mecánicas fuera de las plataformas. La verdad es que lo he disfrutado mucho y con ganas de continuar la saga. 😌 Image
Read 125 tweets
Jan 23rd 2019
1/ Here’s how I built the iconic first level of #SuperMarioBros as a life-size first person AR game that I played in @CentralParkNYC . Read on below!
2/ Ideas can come from anywhere. It all began with a simple cube. While learning @HoloLens dev I mistakenly placed a cube above my head, walked under it and looked up. The image of a #Mario brick flashed through my head
3/ Unable to find 3D assets in the style I wanted, I decided to recreate them myself. Used @adskFusion360 & had to consider things like how will bricks & characters I’ve only ever seen in 2D appear from the various angles that #AR enables.
Read 19 tweets
Jan 28th 2018
1\ Have you heard this reasoning? "#Ethereum is better than #Bitcoin because it can do more." => "The EVM is Turing-complete and Bitcoin Script isn't, so Ethereum is a better cryptocurrency." => "Bitcoin's creators were too early/stupid/blind to make Bitcoin Turing-complete."
2\ This is a blatant misunderstanding! To a non-technical person, Turing-completeness and being able to compute anything is *obviously* better. But programmers know that Turing-completeness is Pandora's box: you don't know what it contains and you can't close it once opened...
3\ ...Turing-completeness is like a nuclear explosion. Once the threshold density/temperature is breached, fission fuel self-ignites and explodes. The hard part isn't blowing past the threshold, but staying as close to it as possible: energy => criticality => balance => control.
Read 10 tweets

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