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Jun 10th 2022
Hi everyone. Its a happy Friday again, a full weekend before we put our heads down to work again for another five days. This weekend lets study a company of the Times group that is Time Technoplast Ltd. I hope you like this thread.

Before i start, I would like to say that I am a normal investor who has gained knowledge through the internet, please do not take the thread as an investment advice. Now repeat after me
" I will do my own research, borrowed conviction never succeeds"
Time Technoplast is categorised under small cap by SEBI and has a market cap of around 2k Cr. It is a leading manufacturer of tech based polymers and composite products. ImageImageImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021

#IRCTC > 100% Market share in Rail Network.

#IEX >90% market share in power trading.

#Zyduswellness >90% market share in sugar free product.

#Eichermotors >85% market share in 250cc bikes category.

#MCX >85% market share in commodity trading.

#Coalindia >80% market share in coal production in India.

#ITC >75% market share in cigarettes.

#HondaSiel >75% in portable power generators.

#HindustanZinc >75% market share in primary zinc industry.

#AsahiIndiaGlass >70% market share in automotive glass.

#NRBBearings >70% market share in needle roller bearings.

#Pidilite >65% market share in adhesives.

#CAMS >65% market share in RTA within mutual fund industry.

#TimeTechnoplast >65% market share in polymer based industrial packaging.

Read 10 tweets
Jun 21st 2021
Time ka time aane wala hai..😊
Largest manufacturer of large size plastic drums with a market share of ~60%, 2nd largest manufacturer of composite cylinders and 3rdlargest intermediate bulk container manufacturer. Manufactures CNG cascade & cylinder. only manufacture of CNG type IV cylindr
Product segments:
- Industrial packaging (75% of revenues)
- Infra (15% revenues): pipes, prefabs, etc.
- Lifestyle (5% revenues): mats etc.
- Automotive components (5% revenues)
Read 7 tweets
Apr 11th 2021

#IRCTC* 100% Market share in Rail Network.
#IEX* >90% market share in power trading.
#Zydus wellness* >90% market share in sugar free product.
#Eicher motors* >85% market share in 250cc bikes category.
#MCX* >85% market share in commodity trading.
#coalindia India* >80% market share in coal production in India.
#ITC* >75% market share in cigarettes.
#HondaSiel* >75% in portable power generators.
#Hindustan Zinc* >75% market share in primary zinc industry.
#AsahiIndia Glass* >70% market share in automotive glass.
#NRB Bearings* >70% market share in needle roller bearings.
#Pidilite* >65% market share in adhesives.
#CAMS* >65% market share in RTA within mutual fund industry.
#TimeTechnoplast* >65% market share in polymer based industrial packaging.
Read 11 tweets

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