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Feb 14th 2023
I'm now joining the #NISOPlus23 session: "Making the business case for investing in metadata" with Josh Brown, Heather Kotula, Michelle Urberg, & Julia McDonell
#Metadata #MetadataMatters #NISOPlus
The opportunity costs of poor metadata re-use - Josh Brown from @MoreBrains_Coop
PIDs are keystone metadata! - Powering Reuse, Automation, Aggregation & Analysis
#metadata #NISOPlus23
NOT reusing #metadata has costs in money, time and knock-on effects - rekeying of metadata is essentially unnecessary duplication of effort across sectors, institutions and individuals! #NISOPlus23
Read 19 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
I am endlessly fascinated with content tagging systems. They're ubiquitous in software and have so many nuances, but I can't find anything on how to design and implement anymore more than the barebones basics of a system.

Some thoughts in a thread.
A tag is a metadata label associated with content, primarily used for querying and grouping. The tag name is also the id: two tags with the same name are the same tag.

Tags appear everywhere: #hashtags, wikipedia categories, blog post labels, AWS infra tags...
Now, are `horse` and `horses` the same tag? They're different strings, but I'd be pretty miffed if I queried for `horse` and got only half the data.

So for serious querying we need some kind of relationship between tags
Read 16 tweets
Apr 13th 2022
It deals with specific #machinelearning problem, namely how to classify a given website into specific categories, also called #taxonomy.
the most common #taxonomies are those of IAB and Google Products Taxonomy. But there others, e.g. one from Facebook for products.
Read 6 tweets

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