Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Metadata

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[1/🧡] Ah, #XRPL, the #blockchain of choice for tech-savvy investors looking to make a quick buck in the world of #Web3 domains.

Why bother with @ICANN when you can just get an NFT? Isn't it practically the same?

WRONG! πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡ Source: https://web3domains...
[2/22] β€” Outline β€”
πŸ”Έ Fundamentals and Definitions
πŸ”Έ #Web2 vs. #Web3
πŸ”Έ "Domain" Projects
πŸ”Έ @fynbosdev and #ILP
πŸ”Έ A Better Approach (#XRPL)
πŸ”Έ Standardization Source: https://www.gagan.p...
[3/22] β€” 1⃣ Fundamentals β€” Domain β€”

#Domains are #namespaces that are used for coupling #IP-addresses to human-readable names for ease of use.

They are also organized in a hierarchical structure for governance purposes. Source: https://www.compute...
Read 23 tweets
"The established supply chain for scholarly books presents a major challenge for small or new #OA publishers to thrive. Specialised title management systems, for instance, are difficult to access and many systems are not oriented to #openaccess books." #ScalingSmall #OABooks
"@COPIMproject has dedicated time and attention to this issue developing @Thoth_metadata, a #metadata management system, that aims to level the playing field between large and small publishers by alleviating some of the difficulties faced by scholar-led presses."
@COPIMproject @Thoth_metadata Everything about @Thoth_metadata is #OpenSource on Github - the database includes chapter-level #metadata for #OABooks
Plus #DOIs #RORids #ORCids with mappings between multiple #metadata schema including MARC
#ScalingSmall Image
Read 71 tweets
#MetaData 🧡
Purchasing @DorTechnologies DoR Traffic Miner (DTM) and monetizing the collected metadata can be an attractive opportunity for retail investors due to several reasons: Image
Passive Income: A DTM can provide retail investors with a steady stream of passive income by collecting and selling valuable location metadata to interested parties.
Demand for Location Data: With the increasing adoption of location-based services and targeted advertising, there is a growing demand for accurate and reliable location metadata, making it a lucrative market.
Read 20 tweets
Ready for: "Perspectives on #Metadata Quality and Completeness" with @mragucci Jessica Clark & @AnaHeredia2017 #NisoPlus2023
The Publisher perspective on #MetadataImpact - @mragucci - #Metadata is like #TheForce in #StarWars - it is often invisible but powers so much in research and information exchange #NISOPlus2023 ImageImage
@mragucci Robust standardised #metadata is powerful for all stakeholders in information & knowledge exchange - but practices & standards vary greatly across content types. Ultimately, publishers & content providers have a responsibility to think downstream about the end user #NISOPlus2023 Image
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I'm now joining the #NISOPlus23 session: "Making the business case for investing in metadata" with Josh Brown, Heather Kotula, Michelle Urberg, & Julia McDonell
#Metadata #MetadataMatters #NISOPlus
The opportunity costs of poor metadata re-use - Josh Brown from @MoreBrains_Coop
PIDs are keystone metadata! - Powering Reuse, Automation, Aggregation & Analysis
#metadata #NISOPlus23
NOT reusing #metadata has costs in money, time and knock-on effects - rekeying of metadata is essentially unnecessary duplication of effort across sectors, institutions and individuals! #NISOPlus23
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Joining @SCURLScottish and @cigscot for their EDI Network Conference featuring @infogamerist and #EthicalMetadata and a Keynote from DeLa Dos, Senior Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion @ARLnews
Ellie Muniandy, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, @natlibscot speaks eloquently about #EDI Workforce Development and how implementing EDI requires a deep and meaningful change in perspective and working culture #SCURLEDI
@natlibscot Organisational culture change can take a long time - there are different levels to implementing EDI from 'quick wins' in libraries like mandatory EDI training for all, to long-term objectives like changing the way we talk about and describe our collections. #SCURLEDI
Read 42 tweets
If you have worked in the data space, you would have heard the term Metadata. It is used as a catch-all term. Here are a few things to think about when someone mentions Metadata πŸ‘‡

#data #dataengineering #metadata #dataops
1. Orchestration: Time of run, re-run information, pipeline structure, the execution time for the pipeline, pipeline failure times, etc

2. Data processing: Input parameters, failure stack trace, number of rows processed, number of rows in output, number of discarded rows, etc
3. Data quality: Mean/sum/avg, etc. for numerical columns, available values for enum columns, etc. (think dataframe.describe in pandas)
Read 6 tweets
[1/🧡] #XRPLedger's Green ♻️ Agenda 2030 β€” Part 2/2

#XRPL, the leading and first prominent #DLT to achieve πŸ’š carbon neutrality πŸ’š

Part 2 of this series will teach you all you need to know about the #eco-friendliness of #XRP, the digital asset. πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡ Original Source:

This is typically a heated topic. That is why I will do my best to be neutral, clear, and factual. Expect no guesstimates or personal opinions on this subject.

Everything is stated exactly as it is! Source:
[3/26] If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading part 1 of this lengthy series to get a feeling of the magnitude of the undertaking that @Ripple is leading in this domain with the help of the #XRPL. πŸ‘‡

Read 28 tweets
1/ #NFTs on #MultiversX are unlike any other NFT’s 🚨

But why? Not because of the art or utility but because of the ownership aspect

You may have heard someone from the #Elrond community mention that #ElrondNFTs provide true ownership

What does that mean though?

Read on πŸ‘‡ Image
2/ #NFTs on #MultiversX are issued as ESDT tokens with metadata on top

#Metadata is what gives the #NFT the traits, name, rarity, etc.

Having the NFT’s issued as tokens in this manner allows them to be stored and transferred same as any token in your wallet, ie. #Eth, #BTC πŸ‘‡
3/ How is this different?

Well #NFTs on #Ethereum and most ⛓️’s are issued basically as data in a smart contract

So that #BAYC you β€œown”, well it is just info added to the SC and ⛓️ saying you are now the owner πŸ€”

Ever wonder why #Metamask doesn’t always show your #NFTs? πŸ‘€
Read 6 tweets
2. We often forget about legacy data or de-prioritize the impact of changes in data management practices. RDA brought about many data changes. While most of those are not significant as they do not deal with formatting of data, some do change the expectation for data.
3. Any variation in expected data (e.g., 260 vs. 264) can cause issues. An 007/008 expectation for media or 336-338 fields which may not appear in older records. You can't build facets and search parameters on what doesn't exist.
4. Other changes in practice impact #ILS migration, too, such as the preference of a single record for all formats. That really was a workaround for ILS who couldn't aggregate or FRBRize data displays for formats. #migration #systems #data #metadata #cataloging #ILS
Read 14 tweets
1/ 🧡 Dental research generates data, but is data available and is machine-actionable?
That's the question we asked w/ @ASofiMahmudi @raittioe @IlzeMal & @baiba_vilne in #openaccess @JDentRes… thanks to @mikrotik_com & @bbcentre_eu #FAIR #openscience
2/ Raw data allows replication and validation of results. Additionally, if it is in a machine-accessible format, this would allow new hypotheses to be explored using the available data

#reproducibility #researchtransparency #opendata #FAIRdata Image
3/ in order for machines to access data, it must be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This is known as #FAIRdata Image
Read 29 tweets
1/ Short 🧡 on how to find original footage from the war in #Ukraine?

We start from a video on Twitter and look for the original footage.

⚠️ WARNING: this thread contains graphic images of bodies. πŸ”ž

#OSINTπŸ”Ž #HowToOSINT🧐 #VerificationπŸ“½οΈ
2/ Why is this important?

1⃣) The original video can be longer and reveal more #info.
2⃣) You can find the #context in which this was posted first.
3⃣) The original footage is of higher quality and thus shows more #details.
3/ πŸ‘†These things may help in further investigation.

So looking for original/older footage is ALWAYS worth the effort.

We start from this tweet with a very horizontal short video and mention of 'Kharkiv'🟩 Image
Read 8 tweets
1/ Being a curious individual such I am, I often find myself fascinated by upcoming #web3 trends and topics. I recently acquired an NFT that it’s not your typical pfp. It is a changing NFT and today I’m talking about #dynamicnfts and the smooth example of @rubberduckBP
2/ The majority of NFT I’m used to (but I guess most of us are) are #staticnfts. It doesn't refer to the actual nature of the artwork. Videos, gifs, and others are still static nfts, while being dynamic in their form. A static nft though will remain unchanged over time.
3/ An NFT has 3 main core components: 1, the #smartcontract, which interacts with the blockchain and sets the parameters. 2, the actual NFT with a unique ID token. 3, the #metadata stored in the NFT, which defines the artwork and actually displays it.
Read 17 tweets
1/ Today, I want to talk about #MusicNFTs, the trend I see, and what I think will be relevant soon. Full disclosure, I own some of the #NFT mentioned below (#wenmoon @warpsound_ai ?? πŸš€)
A thread 🧡
2/ There are different paths regarding #NFT and #music; some are more straightforward, others more experimental. Musicians can now distribute their productions as #NFTs, using dedicated platforms such as @catalogworks, @join_royal, @AudiusProject, and others. Very cool. Image
3/ Thanks to the #blockchain, artists can now connect with fans more directly, cutting out middlemen (labels, distribution, etc.) and securing revenues from future purchases. Direct access to the audience, what’s not to like?? Image
Read 15 tweets
#IDatiCheVorrei: @GiorgiaLodi spulcia in pochi minuti i quattro pilastri #FAIR dei buoni dati aperti: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable e Reusable.

#Findable: devono essere ben indicizzati e ben descritti. In particolare i dati devono essere corredati di #metadata, o di tag univoci e persistenti.
#Accessibility: devono essere accessibili, sia dal punto di vista del modo in cui Γ¨ conservato che dalla sua esposizione al pubblico tramite un'appropriata infrastruttura.
Read 13 tweets
There are a lot of #Security Issues in the #NFT Ecosystem & #NFTs marketplaces (NFTMs)

1/ When using a password-based authentication workflow, there is no #2FA (two-factor authentication)
2/ there is no support #hardwarewallet
3/ The #smartcontracts of NFTMs must be #opensource and/or provide results of security #Audit
Read 18 tweets
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
Hi All!
Thankyou to @PMTC2021 for organizing this #PandemicMethodologies conference. I look forward to engaging more this weekend!

My name is SamanthaCutrara & I am a HistoryEducationStrategist -not a historian!- &th4 come to the convo thinking about ways to mobilize the past.
Today my tweet contribution to the #PandemicMethodologies is called:
"β€˜We’re time travellers, people!’: The ghosts of wonder, administration, and audience in working with digital sources"
I am going to tweet about three topics related to thoughts on 'time travelling' and history:
1. The wonder and access re online sources
2. The work involved with digitizing
3. The audiences (we imagine) for presenting this work

Read 16 tweets
All of this is done in 1 transaction on Cardano, and its nowhere near the limit of what is possible to do - without the use of smart contracts or oracles. #BlockchainV3 #Cardano #Metadata #Lotsadata #ProofofPossibilities #DigitalAuditPlatform @CentStakePool @ScanTrust @BaiasWine
If you can replicate the hash, you are proving that Scantrust has not altered the original data set hashed on the blockchain. This is called public traceability and auditability. #OpenDataPolicy
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At the Internet Archive, this is how we digitize #78 rpm records.
Our partner @georgeblood_lp has perfected this technique, digitizing with 4 different styli at once.

We put as much effort into capturing the #metadata as we do digitizing the music.
2/ There's a half-century of 78 rpm recordings (1898-1950s) at risk of being lost, never heard again in the digital era.
Our goal is to save them all. 🎢
You can listen to 255,000 of these 78 rpm recordings in the George Blood Collection:…
3/ Another benefit of digitization? Discovering little-known corners of #music history.

After scanning 250,000 sides, we've found 80% of these #78s were produced by the "Big Five" labels.
@great78project Photos of the "Big Fiv...
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Modern #data platforms are emerging as the answer to the holy grail: creating a truly data-driven organization. With this, β€œhow” we use data has changed.

Many vendors today brand themselves as the be-all and end-all... but this isn’t true. πŸ™…
It’s impossible to work today with a single modern data platform from one vendor! A modern #data platform is a collection of tools and processes. 🧰

In this thread, I’ll break down what a modern data platform means in practice today. 2/n
Today, data platforms have basic building blocks that look something like this. πŸ‘‡ 3/n…
Read 9 tweets

πŸ€“ There was a fantastic #cardano metadata workshop hosted by @JeremyFirsterCF, @benohanlon, Alan & Mel.

πŸ’‘#Metadata is key part of the ongoing #Goguen release & is already running on the main net. πŸ’ͺ

Below is the recap of their conversations πŸ‘‡ $ada #crypto #fintech #dev

What exactly is transaction metadata? πŸ€”

1⃣ Details on "The Transaction Story"
2⃣ User-specified information that is added & stored on the Cardano blockchain.
3⃣ Secure record of immutable and authentic on-chain data.

How is metadata generally used? πŸ€”

1⃣ Certification & validation of particular information
2⃣ "Tell the Story of a Transaction" - $ada transfers
3⃣ "Create a Story" that has a permanent record - standalone transaction for adding data
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This demonstrates an enterprise grade use case for #transactional #metadata
All required features on Cardano are available NOW
Read 9 tweets
At least they're looking at the right things - albeit some of them the wrong way round; e.g. for #trust the key issue is #evidenced #revocation, not #informed #consent (which those who just want the data mostly ignore)...
...and it's a shame they went for the tired "#SmartData" trope, when their own analysis shows it's far more about #SmartRegulation (& #metadata).

Some #InformationalPrivity thinking might help:…

Technical platforms & frameworks can deliver things like...
...#authentication, and the immutable, transparent #AuditTrails required for #revocation (i.e. the meaningful bit of "#ConsentManagement") and #redress - for in a regulator-dependent world, as we've discovered, it's the regulator itself that's the #liability.
Read 3 tweets

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