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Jun 20th 2019
Gutted ... + sat on the 8pm to #Hexham with an🍺 but a thread ⬇️ on:
- @michaelgove + the wonderful team of #MPs, staffers/volunteers who supported #TeamGove
- the @Conservatives positives I take from the last few weeks
+ my hopes + aspiration for future of this gt country 1/ Image
Firstly my congratulations to @Jeremy_Hunt + @BorisJohnson + good luck for the month ahead of hustings/ scrutiny nationwide + on the media.
Hoping we have a robust but positive contest, showing off the best in @Conservatives #ideas, #aspirations + #values #ToryLeadership 2/
A pleasure to help @michaelgove
- the best minister since 2010 in @Conservatives govt
- best debater in @HouseofCommons + feared by #Corbyn + co
- with great policy ideas for the future
+ a track record of investing in #Hexham schools 3/
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