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Nov 26th 2020
Trump Pardons Thread 1/26

#ThingsWeShouldThankTrumpFor - General Flynn's pardon. It was an epic blunder that will damage Trump more.

Let's do a thread about Trump's pardons.

YES he's going to pardon his kids, and try to pardon himself. What does this all mean?
Trump Pardons Thread 2/26

Trump was always going to pardon his kids (& Jared Bonesaw Boy) & some closest to him from his past before politics (Hope Hicks) & some he trusts most in his political life (Stephen Miller). This was inevitable

He will also try to pardon himself.
Trump Pardons Thread 3/26

While Trump WILL attempt to pardon himself (possibly in more ways than one), it WILL NOT PREVENT Trump from going to prison in 2021, for the rest of his life. Because he has committed STATE crimes that a President cannot pardon. They START with NY taxes
Read 26 tweets
Nov 26th 2020

Six Degrees of Kevin Putin

Pelosi to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Pence - Manafort - Deripaska - Putin
Don Jr - Torshin - Putin
Barr - Deripaska - Putin
Hannity - Firtash - Putin
#MoscowMitch McConnell - Deripaska - Putin
Let's play:
Six Degrees of Kevin Putin
Pelosi to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Pompeo - Rybolovlev - Putin
Jared - Veselnitskaya - Putin
Rand Paul - Kilimnik - Putin
#LeningradLindsey - Deripaska - Putin
Giuliani - Firtash - Putin

#CovidCovidCovid #TrumpIsCompromised
Let's play
Six Degrees of Kevin Putin
Pelosi to Trump: "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Mnuchin - Blavatnik - Putin
Wayne Lapierre - Butina - Torshin - Putin
Tucker Carlson - Deripaska - Putin
Ivanka - Rybolovlev- Putin
Eric - Closet - Lost

#TrumpPutin #TrumpIsLosing
Read 4 tweets

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