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Oct 10th 2020
Sept 18, 2020, WWF Too Big To Fail:

"#Ecosystems are assets. We are talking about an asset mgt. problem."

No. Ecosystems are biological COMMUNITIES that exist for their own purposes. Not ours.

Depraved #WEF, #WWF et al. after decades of plunder, plan to seize what remains. Image
"As we navigate our way through the biggest #economic #crisis since the 2nd world war, we are still facing the existential threat of biodiversity loss & climate change."

They do not give a fuck about biodiversity. They trashed it for profits. They do not care about the climate. Image
What they do care about. Protecting & expanding current power structures. Protecting the ruling class to which they belong. Profit$.

Markets are not the solution to the accelerating biodiversity crisis & ecological breakdown. They are the cause.

#NewDealForNature Image
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