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Nov 13th 2022
Al Gore ( WEF syndic) et al. sont TELLEMENT PRÉOCCUPÉS par le climat qu'ils sont en train de transformer l'ensemble de la nature en une nouvelle classe d'actifs - où ils POSSÉDERONT la nature, géreront/contrôleront et profiteront de la nature via les "sociétés d'actifs naturels".
#NaturePositive, #VoiceForThePlanet, #NewDealForNature

La financiarisation de la nature, commercialisée avec une imagerie et un langage holistiques émotionnels, dirigée par WEF, WWF et Al Gore.

C'est la capture des biens communs par les entreprises, à l'échelle mondiale.
#NaturePositive les fondateurs incluent #BusinessForNature (lancé le 2 juillet 2019 lors de la réunion annuelle des nouveaux champions du WEF en Chine et des conférences de Trondheim #Biodiversity en Norvège).

Business For Nature
Read 6 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
The same entities seeking to grab lands from self-sufficient peoples in the Global South, '#ForNature', are also pushing non-animal sourced diets.

To understand the importance of animal source foods, check out this project:
Speaker at XR Animal Rebellion event today: "Avoiding eating meat, dairy, eggs, and fish is the single best thing a person can do to eradicate their impact on the environment [...], and to biodiversity as a whole."

And destroy self-sufficiency?! Mad!
Why not just advocate genocide altogether, and be done with it?

Fewer humans, less impact on the environment...

Why not help create the kind of world sought by #NewDealForNature influencers and overpopulation advocates Attenborough and Goodall?
Read 5 tweets
Jul 9th 2021
Globalists are setting the stage for their #GreatReset to bring down the entire system.

Their #CyberPolygon online-attack simulation targets major financial institutions, affects major supply-chains, and causes a “cyberpandemic”:……
Read 8 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
Jan 25 2021: Klaus Schwab on Feb 2020 BC/AC [before/after #covid] moment:

"Major change happened when the US #BusinessRoundtable, which represents major companies in the US, actually issued a statement embracing the stakeholder concept."


Schwab: "The crisis has shown us we need a mindset change & we need also to move from a society where business & governments have very separate tasks, to a society whereas the two #together w/ #civilsociety work hand in hand."

"To Change Everything":…
Schwab: "We still measure only how a company uses the #financialcapital. Whether it's really efficient in terms of
allocation of financial capital. But we should measure how a company, in which way a co., uses #naturalcapital [] so that's the essence of #stakeholdercapitalism." ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Feb 5th 2021

India Farmers Protests Goes Vogue.

Celebrities, influencers – & British Vogue - suddenly interested in #FarmersProtests that began in Nov. Despite MASSIVE resistance, the protests have been largely ignored by Western influencers/NGOs, etc. So why now? Let's explore.
Twitter (tool of empire) promoted the #celebrity endorsement of Rihanna/Greta accounts – while it simultaneously banned/censored on the ground Indian farmers/activists. While highlighting Western #influencers, Twitter had deleted approx. 250 protest/alt media accounts in #India.
Rihanna/Thunberg accounts share CNN article which references Access Now, "an advocacy group which tracks internet freedom." In reality, Access began as an arm of Avaaz (Purpose), to destabilize #Iran. Another instrument of #empire.

More on Access Now:…
Read 27 tweets
Jan 24th 2021
Annual WEF commences tomorrow w/ #DavosAgenda.

Key theme: rebuilding #trust - in order to obtain new social #contract - required for global #greatreset that will secure/serve ruling class & corporate power expansion.

Accounts to follow, followed by Klaus Schwab account:
The "new social contract" will be sold via the global rebranding of capitalism. #StakeholderCapitalism is the branded concept of a capitalism w/ #Purpose.

"CEOs [] are rightfully concerned about the increasing fragility [] & the threat to capitalism..." #BRT #Imperative21
[Accounts appear in order chosen by account admin.]

5th & 6th accounts followed: #GlobalShapers & Young Global Leaders. Youth are a key target demographic, to be shaped/molded for #GreatReset. Jan 2021: Global Shapers opens 444th hub in Morocco #Africa:…
Read 23 tweets
Jan 23rd 2021

The #vegan option promises a new market horizon to a corporate system in need of expansion. In addition to novel product lines developed by transnational companies, business operations are launched as ambitious tech #startups.…
#SiliconValley & other large investors are attracted in support of a model that will activate supply chains, market speculations, & trade wars over what are expected to be the resources of the future.…
Financial #speculation has become key to overcome the stagnation tendencies of global markets. Global money management can be narrowed down to some 17 financial giants, collectively managing >$40 trillion in a self-invested network of interlocking capital.
Read 24 tweets
Jan 7th 2021
A major partner of The Climate Group #ClimateWeekNYC, (attributed to Callum Grieve) is #GlobalCitizen which targets/captures youth demographic. For Climate Week 2020, the film "Imagine for 1 Minute" was released - featuring #Thunberg w/ #Pope, & others.…
So let's take a quick look at #GlobalCitizen & the film.

"Reward points" for actions - marketed as #activism.

Founded by Hugh Evans, partners include #Forbes, #Gates Foundation, #CocaCola, Johnson & Johnson, P&G, Citi, Cisco, Verizon. #UN #WHO #SDGs
Global Citizen advisory boards: #UK, #Australia, Southern & East #Africa, #Nigeria & #Canada. Corporations/ institutions represented on Global Advisory Board includes #Bridgewater, Gates Foundation, Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, CVC Capital, etc.:…
Read 15 tweets
Jan 1st 2021
"Harvesting the oceans under the Blue Economy": "The #OECD suggests that the #ocean economy is likely to outpace the global economy in the next 15 years."

#GreatReset #NewDealForNature #DeepSeaMining
Under guise of protecting #biodiversity:

"Framed as perhaps the last untapped, under-explored & under-exploited region in the world, the Pacific #Ocean is set to be a contested space for resources."

#WorldEconomicForum #SDGs
"The #BlueEconomy heralds a new race to carve up the Pacific, turning the Pacific Ocean, from surface to seafloor, into a crowded/contested space. Pacific state leaders are courted w/ economic gains that are a fraction of the value of the ocean resources that will be #extracted."
Read 19 tweets
Nov 27th 2020
1990: Greenpeace paper acknowledges planet must not exceed a 1ºC temp. rise. 2009, w/ ecological/climate crisis engulfing planet, Greenpeace/TckTckTck "fights" for binding agree. that would allow planet to further warm to full 2ºC - undermining #G77.…
Undermining #G77, & small island atolls that fought for 1ºC. #Bolivia led this charge. TckTckTck was created by #Greenpeace, #Avaaz, 350, #WWF, et al (see image). The brand & campaign, created by adverting giant Havas. A "movement" for advertisers & media "to use & exploit."
Assistance in forming We Mean Business was provided by three main NGOs: World Resources Institute, #Greenpeace, & #WWF, as well as two pivotal institutions that assisted, ITUC & the #UNFCCC. Purpose ("new power") assists in brand identity/campaigns.…
Read 5 tweets
Nov 22nd 2020
The ruling class "imperative" to save, rebrand & expand the capitalist system, is coming down like a sledgehammer over our collective heads. The "#reset" social engineering & behavioral change campaigns have just begun. Know your enemy. This is #classwar.

Revisiting The #BTeam. Image
B Team: Founded by billionaire Richard Branson (Virgin) & Zeitz former CEO of Puma, co-founder of eco-luxe lodge Segera Retreat & the Zeitz Foundation in #Kenya.

Managed by PR firm Purpose co-founded by Heimans (Avaaz, "New Power", Share Verified).… ImageImageImageImage
Benioff: Founder, CEO of #Salesforce. B Team Leader. World Economic Forum's Board of Trustees member. Inaugural Chair of WEF's Forum Center for the #4IR. Owner of TIME magazine. Co-founder of Breakthrough Energy w/ Gates et al. (nuclear, #CCS)


#IngkaGroup is #Ikea Image
Read 18 tweets
Nov 21st 2020
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development @wbcsd is a very #creepy organization. Business people in expensive suits on the one hand, "stewards of God's planet" New Age nutters on the other?

This is what they'd like to have in place by 2030… Image
But it gets more freaky still: for 2030, the WBCSD also expects widespread use of "millions of eyes" to monitor compliance with the sustainable development goals.

#BigBrother watching over your Planetary Health... Image
Forget national sovereignty & governments - NGOs will be designing our public decisions. 10-50 million of them. 🤔 Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
#WEF & Prince of Wales: The Green Horizon Summit: Nov. 9-11 2020. Attended by 2500. Led by 100+ corporate & climate "leaders" including "Prince" Charles, UN's Guterres, Lagarde, Carney, BlackRock, etc.


Let's start w/ the ruling class imperative to rebrand #capitalism (Oct, 23, 2020) - in order to save it.

Schwab: "At the forefront [we need] to create a new model,
a new concept, a new definition of capitalism...

Schwab, continued: "the old definition comprises only financial capital. But actually human & social capital, [] & of course natural capital - is as important as financial capital."


#CorporateCoup of the #Commons


Read 19 tweets
Nov 5th 2020
Previously, I linked #BuildBackBetter & the #GreatReset to the #MauriceStrong network (mid-1970s but kicking off with the 1992 UN #EarthSummit in Rio). I also linked Strong to the #Rockefeller clan. We may have to go a bit further back in time.

Thread 👇
In 1972, The #ClubofRome published its '#LimitsToGrowth', using simulations to describe the impact of resource depletion on #economic growth. The Club was founded in 1968 by David #Rockefeller, the industrialist Aurelio Peccei & Alexander King.
Its computer-generated models of #doom were designed to impress but were based on simplistic ideas & dubious assumptions. The report, nonetheless, remains influential & illustrates the #Rockefeller obsession with population growth & #resource control
Read 11 tweets
Oct 24th 2020
#TIME is owned by Marc Benioff, founder/CEO of #Salesforce. Benioff, member of #WorldEconomicForum Board of Trustees, is the Inaugural Chair of WEF's Forum Center for the #FourthIndustrialRevolution. He is co-founder of Breakthrough Energy w/ Gates et al. (#Nuclear, CCS, etc.).

Important thread.

Q: What does #Imperial College, the World Economic Forum (#WEF), #Salesforce, #Sinovation Ventures (Chinese technology venture capital), #ABB (#automation technology), global artificial intelligence (#AI), all have in common?

Not enough minerals/ rare Earth metals remain on Earth's terrain, to supply depraved #4IR architecture designed/sought by Benioff, Schwab et al.

Thus, they intend to mine the #oceans under guise of watchdog. Holistic linguistics. #Safe #Responsible

Read 7 tweets
Oct 12th 2020
Ahead, as part of the #GreatReset, is the finacialization of nature. "#Ecosystem services" & #biodiversity will be bought, sold & traded on #WallStreet. This will be the largest transformation of the global economic system in modern history.
It must be stopped. @nodealfornature
Assigning monetary value to nature ("#NaturalCapital") will replace #GDP. The very corporations & institutions that have destroyed the natural world, will then own what remains - what they have not yet destroyed.

Nature's contribution (theft) to the global economy is est. at 125 trillion $ annually, while world's annual #GDP is est. at 85.9 trillion dollars (2018). "Natural Capital" accounting will replace #GDP.

The financialization of #SocialCapital will follow.

Read 8 tweets
Oct 10th 2020
Sept 18, 2020, WWF Too Big To Fail:

"#Ecosystems are assets. We are talking about an asset mgt. problem."

No. Ecosystems are biological COMMUNITIES that exist for their own purposes. Not ours.

Depraved #WEF, #WWF et al. after decades of plunder, plan to seize what remains. Image
"As we navigate our way through the biggest #economic #crisis since the 2nd world war, we are still facing the existential threat of biodiversity loss & climate change."

They do not give a fuck about biodiversity. They trashed it for profits. They do not care about the climate. Image
What they do care about. Protecting & expanding current power structures. Protecting the ruling class to which they belong. Profit$.

Markets are not the solution to the accelerating biodiversity crisis & ecological breakdown. They are the cause.

#NewDealForNature Image
Read 10 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
It's not "fossil capitalism". It's #capitalism. Capitalism serves capital (profits). #Socialism serves society.

"Imagination", as framing, is being heavily employed by those tasked w/ obtaining social license for the #greatreset being foisted on the global citizenry. #Language ImageImageImageImage
For those who are not familiar with the SDGs referred to in the #Brookings #GreatReset screenshot - The UN-WEF partnership firmly positions Word Economic Forum at the helm of the #SDGs (Sustainable Developments Goals). Not because they care about climate...

#NewDealForNature Image
Not because they care about poverty, #biodiversity, or world hunger. #SDGs represent the new global poverty economy of #impactinvesting & emerging markets. #3 (chart) is very high, because of the coming "#vaccine revolution" being manufactured by WEF in partnership w/ WHO. Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
Under guise of biodiversity protection they are stealing the local land from local people, safeguarding it for corporative exploatation. #NewDealForNature...

One would expect this accusation from an alleged paragon of the oppressed, but alas, billionaires ride in the saddle now.
New Deal For Nature, a corporate boon and death to humanity and the planet.

Read 4 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
#GlobalDealForNature, #NatureNeedsHalf, #VoiceForThePlanet, #30x30, #CampaignForNature (#Wyss, National Geographic),

- all marketing serves elite sought financialization of nature; the corporate capture of the commons.

#WEF #WWF #GDP #NaturalCapital #PES #Privatization
#VoiceForThePlanet is the sister marketing campaign of the #NewDealForNature. At helm of both campaigns are #WWF (atrocities against #Indigenous) working in #lockstep w/ World Economic Forum founded/headed by Klaus Schwab. Founding partners include UN - partnered w/ WEF in 2019.
The National Geographic Society markets the Global Deal for Nature, New Deal For Nature, & the Campaign for Nature w/ the #Wyss Foundation (billionaire Hansjörg Wyss). The Society operates via National Geographic Partners - a joint venture w/ #Disney.

Read 23 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
WEF's Klaus Schwab: "In all likelihood, unless the #pandemic evolves in an unforeseen way, the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health & mortality will be mild..."

New week-end thread w/ @spencerlatu

#Covid19 as catalyst for #WEF #greatreset
Written by Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, Geneva, July 2020.

"Until 2011, Mr. Malleret was a senior partner at the Geneva-based IJ (Informed Judgment) Partners, an investment boutique for ultra-high-net-worth individuals."

#WEF #GlobalRiskNetwork…
"Malleret is the co-founder & principal author of the Monthly Barometer, an analytical and predictive newsletter on macro issues for high-level decisionmakers." - "Relevant to all; read by the influential"
Read 29 tweets
Aug 11th 2020
"We're failing the world's #oceans. Businesses can help save them"

#WWF & Marc Benioff (Salesforce founder/CEO, #WEF trustee, Chair of WEF's Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, owner of TIME) - team up to "save" oceans w/ a #4IR tech & #NewDealForNature.
"The Friends of #Ocean Action is convened by the World Economic Forum & the World Resources Institute."

World Resources Institute is a founding partner of #VoiceForThePlanet, sister campaign of #NewDealForNature

#FinancializationofNature #WEF #GreatReset
"Some economists say the ocean economy is set to double in value by 2030."

#Nature4Sale #Privatization #NewDealForNature

#Nature / #biodiversity will be bought, sold & traded on Wall Street.

Read 10 tweets
Aug 11th 2020
Of interest: "How Pandemics Past and Present Fuel the Rise of Large Companies"

#WEF #greatreset #digitalization, #IoT, #BlockChain #5G #NewDealForNature…
"There has been a clear spike in #online shopping, and #retail #analysts are wondering whether this is a #decisive #move into the #virtual world, and the further #dominance of big #corporations."

Please tell the analysts that the answer is yes.
"Keeping us distracted as we wait at home for our parcels is the streaming #entertainment industry – a market sector which is dominated by big corporations including #Netflix, #Amazon Prime (again), #Disney and and others."
Read 12 tweets

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