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Sep 16th 2020
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This section is called: Building A Fair System of International Trade for Our Worker. Only one party has a specific plan for rebuilding the great American #MiddleClass. ..the other has a loyalty pledge to a lying con man. 1/11
For too long, the global trading system has failed to keep its promises to American workers. Too many corporations have rushed to outsource jobs, and too many countries have broken their promises to be honest and transparent partners. 2/11 #DemPartyPlatform #GlobalTrade
The #COVID19 pandemic has shown the risks of relying too heavily on global supply chains, as shutdowns and shortages have created chaos for workers and consumers and made our public health response even more challenging. 3/11 #DemPartyPlatform #Shutdowns
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Feb 28th 2020
In the year 1990, India successfully transition from a close to an open economy. My earlier generation, the generation in control of finance & economy now, is master in securing foreign funding. Our nationwide trade ideology, regulations, culture, outlook and trade practices are
moulded to secure foreign funding and serving foreign countries. We fail to evaluate that over the years our standard of living have been leveled up with developed country. Further, US have declared India a developed nation. We now need indigenous production and self suffice
philosophy to improve our condition ourselves, inclusively. It means mobility in financial transaction need to be improve domestically.

#userresearch #usability #finance #tradepolicy #startup #economy #money
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