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Feb 3rd 2023
La “#Sinistra” una volta difendeva i lavoratori, scioperando per orari e condizioni ingiuste, stipendi non allineati all’inflazione, etc.

#pensierieparole #pensierodelgiorno #oggicelhocon #UnpopularOpinions
Oggi, invece, le preoccupazioni maggiori sono come far la parte di quelli che sono contro una guerra di invasione ma di fatto stando dalla parte dell’aggressore (ti invadono = cazzi tuoi), andare a trovare in carcere terroristi, 2/4
cercare il modo di abolire un articolo di legge fatto per proteggere i cittadini e lo Stato da gente che dovrebbe solo prendere legnate ogni giorno per i propri crimini, 3/4
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Jul 17th 2020
🔴 Du coup, quels sont les sujets « Sociaux » sur lesquels vous avez changé d'avis ? 🙃

Faisons une fois de plus primer le courage de pouvoir changer son opinion, que la honte de s'être trompé 👈
Personnellement :
- J'ai mis beaucoup de temps à comprendre le #BlackFace
- J'avais une posture abolitionniste de la #Prostitution qui a plutôt évolué (même si je ne suis pas encore arrêté), un bon podcast qui illustre la problématique du sujet :
- J'avais un apriori assez caricatural de l'écriture #inclusive, m’intéresser vraiment au sujet m'a rendu plutôt sympathisant même si je lui trouve toujours de véritables défauts.

- J'ai mis un moment à comprendre la notion de #Charge #Mentale dans le féminisme.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 13th 2019
1. Time to make minor updates to my #solar unpopular opinions thread, since this seems to be a good way to organize thoughts.

If you like these, you’ll like my book, Solar Power Without the Jargon.
2. Solar Power Without the Jargon is the book I should have read before seeking a job in renewables, from the perspective of having worked in this for 14 years. It’s short and not too serious; one reviewer said it “made me laugh quite a few times”.
Read 40 tweets
Nov 25th 2018
It's 9am on a Sunday morning and time to update my #unpopularopinions on #solar thread from a year ago*. I've mellowed in some respects, so only some will be unpopular. I'm not gonna wait for likes in case nobody does.

1. #Solar wafer, cell or module manufacturing is a terrible business to be in, with vicious price competition and last mover advantage. Most well-known manufacturers are saddled with heavy debt they took on to build their rapidly-becoming-outdated factories.
2. Crystalline silicon technology is good enough. Another great module technology, either making a multiple junction cell with c-Si or replacing c-Si, would be nice and make money for the company that does it, but not fundamentally alter the dynamics of the industry.
Read 32 tweets

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