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Jul 22nd 2022
Dear Jo and colleagues,

The BBC would have served its rapidly declining reputation and viewership better, if it had instead, invited for a debate with the disingenuous Hannah Fry, seven of the tens of thousands of world expert doctors and scientists who know why COVID and.....
the “vaccines” are a scam.
People like –
Dr Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology used in the "injections"
Dr Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of Phizer
Professor Dolores Cahill, world renowned immunologist
Dr Vernon Coleman, .....
long-term critic of the pharmaceutical racket.
Dr Tess Lawrie, UK based GP and Director of the World Council for Health
Dr Richard Fleming, leading cardiologist
Dr Roger Hodkinson, leading Canadian pathologist
All of the above would be eager to publicly debate. However, ....
Read 7 tweets
Jul 22nd 2022

Meet Ethan, a "salesman" in #UnvaccinatedDocumentary

But did you know Ethan Donbavand is also an ACTOR & reality TV star?

Did BBC "plant" actor in group to try & influence from within?

Bonus: Ethan is involved with Genomics ...

Full info (1/4)👇
Ethan's Linked in profile (note the Genomics reference)…

You can book Ethan via his Agents' website:…

and a quick Google image search reveals:
Read 5 tweets
Jul 22nd 2022
Im watching #UnvaccinatedDocumentary and prior to having a #vaccineinjury i would have been right on board with Hannah Fry.

But theres so far been a couple things that i realise are scientific narratives that arent really true
1. Fry said the ONLY way we know something is caused by the vaccine is monitoring it to see if it occurs above expected levels

This isnt true & a mathematician shouldve been more accurate. Such studies determine whether POPULATION risk is increased (still not necessarily causal)
But do not tell us whether INDIVIDUAL harm is causal.

It actually doesnt matter at a population level for individuals, which makes risk quantification difficult.

Eg i might be the only UK vax injured with pulmonary emboli
Read 44 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
1) OK, some brief thoughts about the patronising, condescending #BBC #UnvaccinatedDocumentary

It started off with promise then predictably descended into a quagmire of disinformation, propaganda & lies. Much like the associated Daily Fail write up. 🙄🤷‍♂️…
2) Since the #BBC lied and mis/disinformed in their press release(s) running up to #unvaccinated, like @_InThisTogether I had little hope of unbiased reporting - I was expecting pro "vaccine" propaganda and was not disappointed! 🙄…
@_InThisTogether 3) A major criticism of the publicity about the programme was the false numbers quoted of unjabbed, as low as 3 million?! According to data there are 9.4M people (approx 1 in 5) with zero jabs & over 18M (1 in 3) with no "booster".
Read 17 tweets

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