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Jan 25th 2021
Ever wonder how to rehabilitate weak and ineffective #cough 🗣️💨 in people with #dysphagia 😷? In this tutorial, we will discuss how to train voluntary cough function through Voluntary Cough Skill Training (#VCST).
#VCST is a treatment paradigm intended to improve the accuracy 🏹🎯 and consistency of performing strong 💪 and effective coughs in people with #dystussia in order to increase the ability to eject #penetrant and #aspirate material from the #larynx and #lungs 🫁 after #swallowing.
#VCST is a skill-training treatment paradigm used to target single 🗣️💨 and sequential 🗣️💨💨💨 voluntary #cough. There is not a strict protocol to adhere to. Instead, the practice conditions for #VCST should be guided by principles of #motorlearning 🧠
Read 15 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
#Cough 🫁🌬️ is important for ejecting foods and liquids from the #lungs to prevent #asphyxiation and #aspiration #pneumonia. In this tutorial, we will discuss why and how to assess voluntary #cough as a way to enhance your clinical #swallow evaluation. (Warning: long thread!) Image
Evaluating #cough is important three reasons. First, weak coughs (#dystussia) are associated with #dysphagia and #aspiration in many patient populations. Therefore, assessing cough can improve the accuracy of predicting and identifying someone with #dysphagia.
Second, assessing #cough provides a more holistic understanding of #airway protection. In other words, we should try to understand how well a patient with #dysphagia can clear #aspirate material from the airway, in addition to understanding how frequently/severely they aspirate. Image
Read 11 tweets

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