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May 6th 2023
met gala black & white with the focus being cats symbolism:
black and white are the stripes of the tiger

- White Tiger of the West (Xīfāng Báihǔ 西方白虎) one of the four divine beasts related to the four cardinal directions/seasons etc. of the Chinese constellations. ImageImage
- tiger=lion=king=ac(antichrist) (false king false ruler)
- associated with the metal(META/robots/flesh of the “gods”/ sinking) element. earth(yellow)=supporting element of metal(white/beige/silver=supporting element of water(dark blue/black) meanwhile water can release the power ImageImage
of metal. also the  respiratory system/lungs/related to the nose/large intestine/fall/venus(lucifer)/round shapes. Metal ‘governs’ the Chinese Zodiac signs Monkey, Rooster and Dog.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
how the gaseous exchange occurs in the #Lungs! h/t @PatologCritica

Gas exchange #MedEd #MedTwitter…
Read 5 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
#Shi & her 2022 #China Patent: BALB/c mouse adapted strain of #SARS related coronavirus WIV1-RsSHC014S and application thereof..
Inventors: Shi Zhengli, Lin Haofeng, Liu Meiqin, Jiang Rendi
Zhou Peng. #WIV1 #RsSHC014S Image
The invention relates to the technical field of coronavirus, in particular to a BALB/c mouse adapted strain of SARS-related coronavirus WIV1-RsSHC 014S. Image
The SARS-associated coronavirus #RsSHC014 can effectively replicate and propagate in a corresponding cell line and a transgenic mouse by using #hACE2 as a receptor, Image
Read 62 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
#2 B-COMPLEX/MULTI VITAMIN. Buy a liposomal or other form that increases bio-availability. Take 1 capsule w/Breakfast and Lunch. If you have stomach upset, try sublingual (under tongue) EZ Melt B-Complex in AM & Multi w/iron for Dinner.…
#3 OMEGA 3s. Fish Oil, Krill Oil, Algae Oil are all good sources of Omega 3. Be careful the EPA/DHA ratio. EPA helps with inflammation/DHA helps with cognition. You need both! Opt for a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA (2:1 ratio eg. 800 DHA/400EPA)…
Read 93 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
Hey Twitter! It's been a while. I used to write here all the time hanging out with #scifichat, #comicschat, #litchat, talking about #science, #tech, #autism and a dozen other topics which broadened my horizons and let me share my diverse interests in almost everything.
Then my life got incredibly busy. My son went to high school and coupled with his #autism, our lives became super-complex. I lost my job and my car gave up the ghost after four years of @Uber. Then the unthinkable, my wife experienced #renalfailure.
4 years ago, she underwent an operation for #peritoneal #dialysis. This form of at-home dialysis would let her take care of her renal needs at home avoiding the need for external #hemodialysis centers. In hindsight, this may have saved her life.…
Read 26 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
#location location location: thrilled to share our work @CellCellPress! #interferons dictate #COVID19 severity! Specific #IFNs are produced along the #airways in response to #SARSCoV2 and drive protective or detrimental #transcriptional programs! 1/7…
IFNs are driven by high #viral #loads, suggesting that viral recognition is only achieved when #SARSCoV2 reaches a certain threshold! Efficient induction of protective IFNs is preferentially achieved by younger patients, further explaining susceptibility of elders to #COVID19 2/7
#IFNL1 & #IFNL3 characterize mild illness & drive potent anti-#SARSCoV2 #ISGs in the upper #airways. Severe patients show #typeI IFN & #IFNL2 along the respiratory tract but lack ISGs, dampen cell proliferation programs associated to #repair and boost #apoptotic #p53 pathways 3/7
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Apr 20th 2021
ICYMI, a reminder that this pandemic will have a lasting legacy beyond the tragedy of the countless lost lives and grieving families. Results from the #COVERSCAN study on #longcovid reports that organ impairment was detected in post COVID patients as shown in the figure below
This included damage to the #heart, #lungs, #kidneys, #liver, #pancreas and #spleen In almost a third of patients, damage in 2 or more organs was identified. In particular, damage to the liver, heart or lungs was associated with further organ impairment.
The participants in this study were all considered to be previously at low risk of #mortality and had no #comorbidities.…
Read 6 tweets
Apr 19th 2021
"people are finding animals affected by #masks, gloves, & other #PPE. "The material that is helping us is harming others,"

But it's not. The material is not helping us. It serves as safety blanket, virtue signalling & inescapable reminder to retain #narrative. Nothing more.
When we harm nature, by default, we harm ourselves.

When we protect nature, by default, we protect ourselves.

We are part of nature.

We cry "protect #biodiversity" "protect #nature" - as we contribute to her destruction.

Enough. Just stop.
Nov 9 2019: "Pictures of Greta Thunberg are being used to shame office workers who use single-use plastic." [The Independent]

2020-2021: 6 billion face #masks consumed/discarded each day. Those that refuse are shamed. Demand for plastic has exploded.

#Microplastics #Pollution
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Feb 11th 2021
Today is #InternationalDayOfWomenInScience Here are a small number of the many very awesome #WomenInScience, relevant to #RespEd 1/n
Marie Krogh, a Danish physician & scientist published a series of papers with her husand & collaborator, August, proving the mechanism of diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar-capillary membrane… #RespEd #WomeninScience 2/n
Rosalind Franklin, chemist & xray crystallographer, whose work was fundamental to understanding the structure of DNA. Without this we would know almost nothing of CF, viral replication, alpha1antitryspin, lung cancer, LAM....… #RespEd #WomeninScience
Read 12 tweets
Jan 25th 2021
Ever wonder how to rehabilitate weak and ineffective #cough 🗣️💨 in people with #dysphagia 😷? In this tutorial, we will discuss how to train voluntary cough function through Voluntary Cough Skill Training (#VCST).
#VCST is a treatment paradigm intended to improve the accuracy 🏹🎯 and consistency of performing strong 💪 and effective coughs in people with #dystussia in order to increase the ability to eject #penetrant and #aspirate material from the #larynx and #lungs 🫁 after #swallowing.
#VCST is a skill-training treatment paradigm used to target single 🗣️💨 and sequential 🗣️💨💨💨 voluntary #cough. There is not a strict protocol to adhere to. Instead, the practice conditions for #VCST should be guided by principles of #motorlearning 🧠
Read 15 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
#Cough 🫁🌬️ is important for ejecting foods and liquids from the #lungs to prevent #asphyxiation and #aspiration #pneumonia. In this tutorial, we will discuss why and how to assess voluntary #cough as a way to enhance your clinical #swallow evaluation. (Warning: long thread!) Image
Evaluating #cough is important three reasons. First, weak coughs (#dystussia) are associated with #dysphagia and #aspiration in many patient populations. Therefore, assessing cough can improve the accuracy of predicting and identifying someone with #dysphagia.
Second, assessing #cough provides a more holistic understanding of #airway protection. In other words, we should try to understand how well a patient with #dysphagia can clear #aspirate material from the airway, in addition to understanding how frequently/severely they aspirate. Image
Read 11 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
Here it is!

#Inktober2020 day 1 in my #PathogenPortraits series. After years of studying this in cow bums, it had to be #EcoliO157

It causes bloody diarrhoea & if that wasn't bad enough, sometimes kidney failure & death. More info @…
#sciart #microbiology Inktober2020 E. coli O157 c...
#Inktober2020 day 2 in my #PathogenPortraits series. 'The Clap' (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) b/c who doesn't 💚 green purulent discharge?

It's sexually transmitted but also from mother->newborn during birth to cause blindness.
More info:…

#sciart #microbiology Image
#Inktober2020 day 3 in my #PathogenPortraits series. The very 💛golden💛 #MRSA.

Minds it's own business on your skin, but if it gets inside, methicillin won't do a thing to stop it.

More info at #sciart #microbiology Methicillin resistant staph...
Read 34 tweets
Mar 25th 2020
I study the illness #ME/CFS - a neuroinflammatory condition that usually begins w/ a #viral infection (sometimes a #respiratory infection!). I have argued for years that infecting #pathogens tied to the illness might persist in the central nervous system (CNS) of such patients
2/ While I realize this article is talking about acute #infection and #COVID19 - it explains that #SARS-CoV-2 “might infect neurons, raising questions about whether there could be effects on the brain that play a role in patients’ deaths:”…
3/ Matt Anderson, (one of my favorite Beth Israel pathologists!) states, “Some of the purely respiratory symptoms that you might attribute to the #disease, the inability to get air into the #lungs, might actually be defects in #respiration controlled by the #nervous system.”
Read 8 tweets
Mar 20th 2019
👀You'd never think these are #lungs but that's what they are LUNGS!
They belonged to Tiffany Senter, 25, who was born with #cysticfibrosis, a rare genetic disorder that mostly affects the lungs.
. Image
Tiffany had her first double lung transplant at 17 but her body rejected those lungs after four years. She waited another nine months for another pair of lungs and during the three she was confined to a hospital bed.
Now her second donor lungs are beginning to fail and Tiffany is not eligible for a third transplant.
But she still plans to become a makeup artist and is grateful for the seven years her two donors have given her.
Read 5 tweets

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