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Oct 22nd 2020
monitor below chart closely.

$NQ just re-tested the lower support level

$NQ low = 11,598

they can't allow to plunge below 11,600 level.

otherwise, tomorrow bloodbath.

see below Support & Resistance levels

super accurate😉

stop-run levels on both sides: bulls & bears👇
$NQ support & strong resistance levels

4-hr chart since Aug

$NQ above 11,600 = strong support (late Aug)
once breaking down below 11,600 (in Sep), then
it became strong resistance


once it breaking above 11,600 (in Oct), it became strong support

super accurate TA? 😉 Image
$NDX (not $NQ)

$NQ futures has ON real volume

$NDX is an index; there is no real volume

$NDX volume is approximated by aggregating volumes from individual component stock using weighted avg

not 100% accurate, but close for our purposes.

below: use your imaginations Image
Read 112 tweets
May 10th 2020
AAII Sentiment survey update:

(Bullish - Bearish) spread just reached a cycle low last week.

See the contrarian nature of this indicator.

Dec, Jan, Feb = Green = bullish > bearish
Mar, Apr, May = Red = bearish > bullish Image
AAII sentiment survey chart from 2010 to 2020:


1 notice all the "bull-bear spread lows" in the past?
(huge pessimism)

2 just before a major up-trend..

3. this time is different? (not good) 🤔🧐 Image
Don't panic. bears

I trust more on what they DO, not what they SAY

what they do? CNN fear & Greed index from the trading
what they say? AAII survey

When in conflict, trust

1 CNN fear & greed index
2 & VX furures term structure
3 Equity Put/Call ratio
4 Volume divergence Image
Read 27 tweets

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