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Aug 24th 2022
In addressing tonight’s #MenziesOration question from young people - “Do I have a future?” - @TraversMcLeod is highlighting three major challenges that are limiting young people’s wellbeing and chances of a sustainable livelihood right now. 1/4
The first challenge is a mismatch between job vacancies & the young people equipped to fill them. There are 770,000 Australians who are part of our employment services system, which is 26% more than before COVID and includes 111,000 young people. #MenziesOration 2/4
The second is an outdated education & training system. Less than half of learners in #VocEd complete their training. Only one in three (34.4%) young training graduates say their qualification was ‘highly relevant to their job’ post training. #MenziesOration 3/4
Read 4 tweets
May 25th 2021
Next session #CMMNeededNow @SRMatchett
Job-ready for WHAT?
Industry-integrated edu
Talking co-creation, tech, innovation, meaningful work, scale, mental health, success vs pain
@Swinburne VC Quester
@UniversitySA @Marnie_HW
@ACENau Pres @tredefranziska
@COSBOA Chair McKenzie
@COSBOA McKenzie responds to above from SME perspective:
Do we have a system that focuses on #LifelongLearning needs?
Role of formal quals when focus on skills
Not leave any worker/learner behind
What about late quartile cohorts who have big need?
Whole ecosystem has not moved
@COSBOA McKenzie what I hear re #COVID:
How do I take my enterprise & re-task it?
Most important is
-financial capital &
-labour & skills
We focus on former at expense of latter
Industry could do more
Read 15 tweets
Dec 19th 2020
Analyzing PuertoRico's incoming governor's pubic policy on education. First it cites a little plagiarized sentence I wrote in 2012, again, without credit.
"Educacion sirve de punto de lanza para el desarrollo social y economico del pueblo". "Eperienza educativa donde nuestros jovenes se desenvuelvan en las destresas... a ser productivos y ciudadanos de pensamiento critico e independiente".
Includes the often said "decentralizing". This would mean a break in PuertoRico as an SEA/LEA that would mean a huge leap, it requires @usedgov approval. And a technology and data management overhaul (E-rate), funds received under my administration, frozen again bc mismanagement
Read 37 tweets
Sep 13th 2019
Following lunch, and we’re back with Michael Hartman looking at some of the challenges affecting the VET #VocEd sector #2019NVC
One challenge is mapping #VocEd theory into #HE theory - each university does it differently #2019NVC Image
What does ‘competent’ mean? How do we know if we never see the learner in the workplace doing the task #2019NVC
Read 5 tweets
Sep 12th 2019
Thoughts on 2 conferences: #altc - UK, heavily #edtech focussed, #2019NVC - Australia, #VocEd focus.
I participated in #altc through YouTube live streamed sessions and a vibrant Twitter back channel, connected with dozens of educators I hadn’t ‘met’ before
On Sunday evenings I often join with hundreds of #educators in #AussieEd another lively group (mostly K12) sharing in #CPD through chats on Twitter & ‘meet’ new people every week
Read 5 tweets
Feb 1st 2017
Conversation starter for next session at #CDUvetpd: What does it mean to be a VET Practitioner? (That's #VocEd not caring for animals!)
@sueinasp Capacity to design and deliver flexible and innovative training that benefits individual and enterprise.
@sueinasp Track record of personalising training for the individual
Read 6 tweets

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