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Nov 1st 2022
You've found the start of another daily thread covering the war in #Ukraine.

It's the 251st thread since #Russia's illegal invasion.
The fight for sovereignty and freedom continues.

All the news & analysis in one place.
ICYMI, Monday's stories are here:
I'll start with a couple of curious updates from stories which broke yesterday...

First the case of one of #Russia's richest men who gave up his citizenship saying he couldn't be a part of a fascist country.

But Oleg Tinkov, who now lives in London, has since deleted this post
Next I am concerned about what's happening to the ships which left #Ukraine's ports yesterday despite #Russia suspending its agreement in grain export.

A flotilla of grain-laden vessels seem to have all turned off transponders, either continuing incognito or anchored off 🇺🇦coast
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