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Oct 15th 2022
Kalau bosan terima WA dari orang random atau parno no WA mu dibajak berarti saatnya cari aplikasi pengganti. Simak ya |00
Rame perbincangan pembajakan wasap kru Narasi bbrp waktu lalu. Kalo diperhatikan, sekarang kontak Narasi memakai +1 sbg prefiks wasap nya alias nomer US/Canada. Lha kita gimana? |01
Sebagian besar chat/ messaging app pake no.hp sbg identifier saat mendaftar. Sebut saja wasap, telegram, signal, Line Viber. Jadi kalau no.hp 'terambil alih' hampir pasti chat app juga terambil |02
Read 17 tweets
May 11th 2022
Elsewhere in EU regulatory pipe-dreams authored by people who apparently have more good intention than understanding, the #DMA means that @WhatsApp and @signalapp should both adopt #XMPP and thereby deliver a unified "inbox" of messages.
@WhatsApp @signalapp Not making this up: ImageImage
> With a constant onslaught of messages pinging our phones and computers, who wouldn’t want that?

Well, for one, "people who use different applications to deliver different functionality and security profiles"

WhatsApp: family
Messenger: neighbours
Signal: infosec nerds
Read 5 tweets
Dec 19th 2020
Even though I haven't been a big fan of Twitter threads so far, a lot of people I know have made 100-tweet threads for @threadapalooza so I thought I'll give it a try as well. I will start with #APIs and hopefully end up connecting them with the #FutureOfWork. Let's go ...

First of all, when I talk about #APIs, I mean HTTP-based interfaces connecting apps and backend servers as well as different services with each other. For now, the technical details, such as whether they use REST, GraphQL, gRPC etc., shall not matter. (1/100)
When humans interact with computers they require a user interface (UI), and when machines interact with each other they need application programming interfaces (APIs). At the end of the day, however, these have to be implemented by humans. Good #APIDesign considers both. (2/100)
Read 101 tweets

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