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Jul 1st 2020
As an Indian, how would you oppose Chinese products?

Here goes a very short story but worth inspirational
Mikhail Gorbachev last leader of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) , respected by western powers for unofficially ending the Cold War. It was early 1950’s
Japan was slowly picking up herself from her devastating defeat of WW2. Mikhail Gorbachev was attending an English language class in UK. Among many foreign students, there was two Japanese students hearing the English lecture.
One Japanese student was writing down the dictation while his friend was sharpening pencils as these Japanese pencils lead was breaking so often as it were of bad quality but expensive when compared to good quality British which was comparably far cheaper.
Read 9 tweets
May 17th 2020
Government announces few Policy Reforms to Fast-track Investment - Effort towards AatmaNirbhar Bharat. #AatmaNirbharEconomy
New Scheme announced for the Upgradation of Industrial Infrastructure. #AatmaNirbharEconomy
To increase self-reliance in coal production, Government introduces ‘Commercial Mining’ in the Coal sector. #AatmaNirbharEconomy
Read 17 tweets
May 16th 2020
Key highlights #AatmaNirbharEconomy Part 4

Focused on:
+Airspace management
+Atomic Energy

@nsitharamanoffc @nsitharaman @FinMinIndia
Coal Sector: 🚧
+commercial coal mining based on a revenue sharing mechanism
+Rs 50,000cr allotted for evacuation infrastructure
+Coal bed methane will be auctioned

Mining Sector: ⛏️
+defined differences between captive & non-captive mines dissolved. This will increase & encourage private investment in this sector.

Read 8 tweets
May 16th 2020
🕚11 AM tomorrow:

The 5th and final #AatmaNirbharBharatPackage press conference by FM @nsitharaman

Turning the #COVID19 crisis into an opportunity

Transforming India into #AatmanirbharBharat



Don't miss the press conference by Finance Minister @nsitharaman

🕚11 AM today

The fifth set of measures for an #AatmaNirbharBharat

Watch on #PIB's YouTube channel▶️

And get LIVE updates in English and Marathi, on @PIBMumbai

Starting in a short while

Fifth #AatmaNirbharBharat press conference by Union Finance Minister @nsitharaman


Stand by for LIVE updates in this thread 🧵

Read 64 tweets
May 16th 2020
Only 60% of the Indian airspace freely available for flying of civilian aircraft. Restrictions on utilisation of the Indian air space will be eased so that civilian flying becomes more efficient: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharEconomy Image
AAI has awarded three airports out of six bid for Operation and Maintenance on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) basis: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharEconomy Image
Six more airports identified for 2nd round. Bid process to commence immediately. Another six airports will be put out for the third round of bidding: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharEconomy Image
Read 3 tweets
May 16th 2020
Coal is a government monopoly. That monopoly is what is being removed. Government will introduce competition, transparency and private sector participation in the coal sector: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharEconomy Image
Entry norms will be liberalised. Nearly 50 blocks to be offered immediately. No eligibility conditions, only upfront payment with a ceiling: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharEconomy Image
Coal Gasification/Liquefaction will be incentivised through rebate in revenue share. Will result in significantly lower environment impact. Will assist India in switching to a gas-based economy: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharEconomy Image
Read 6 tweets
May 16th 2020
Watch Live: Union Finance Minister @nsitharaman addressing a Press Conference.

@nsitharaman After PM's address to the nation on building an #AatmaNirbharBharat, we have been announcing details of the stimulus Govt. feels it should provide to the economy and our people.
- FM @nsitharaman
@nsitharaman PM had said that we should prepare for tough competition. When we speak of #AatmaNirbharBharat, we are not looking inwards, it is not isolationist policy, it is making India rely on its strengths, ready to face global challenges
- FM @nsitharaman
Read 53 tweets

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