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Feb 22nd 2020
What's at stake? Only a generation of young physicians!

The government has introduced legislation that will allow it to restrict entry to Alberta. The conditions for entry will be managed by Alberta Health: where the doctor practices, with whom and how. #physiciansupply 1/6
Because there is no contract, healthcare decisions are being made solely by politicians & not #healthcare practitioners. A torn up contract means there are no limits on what conditions the Minister can put in place for doctors, clinics & patients. @shandro @jkenney 2/6
Because of #Bill21 & this legislation #Albertamedicalstudents no longer want to practice in #Alberta - a direct result of govt actions.

The vast majority had seen their future in Alberta (over 80%). Now over 75% feel they need to plan for practice elsewhere. #albertajobs 3/6
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