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May 1st 2023
Mondays are for bill watching and this week we're looking at SB121, the Voting Rights Restoration Bill sponsored by Senator Linda Coleman-Madison (D-Birmingham).
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Dec 19th 2022
A thread on my new investigation in collaboration with crackerjack team at Floodlight News - cannot say enough good things about @mirandacgreen @marioarizabaez

It's on the manipulation of news media on behalf of giant Florida & Alabama power cos: 🧵…
"Invisibility is more powerful than celebrity," reads a plaque at Matrix LLC.

Behind the scenes, Matrix maintained a complex web of connections to sites boosting Alabama Power and Florida Power & Light - which took on their political adversaries, critics & journalists.
"Mostly everything was all made up," one former Alabama energy regulator told us. "You get to thinking, 'Why are they attacking me?' I'm just telling the truth and trying to do what's right for the people."
Read 12 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments today in an Alabama redistricting case that could further weaken the Voting Rights Act. Here’s a preview.… #alpolitics
Black activists had fought Alabama’s Jim Crow voting restrictions for more than 20 years when the Voting Rights Act was signed in August 1965. At the time, about 112K Black Alabamians were registered to vote. By April 1966, the number had doubled to 228K.…
The surge in Black voter registration led Gov. George Wallace to abruptly switch his focus to communism. “The reason he’s been talking about communism,” said Attorney General Richmond Flowers, a rival, “is that there aren’t 228,000 registered Communists in Alabama.”
Read 6 tweets
Jun 24th 2022
Today is a giant step forward for our country as, after decades, Roe is finally overturned. Folks, after almost 50 years of standing up for unborn babies, our prayers have been answered. #alpolitics (1/6)
The fight continues, though. Here in Alabama, we have been preparing for this day when the decision-making authority on abortion is rightfully returned to the states. (2/6)
In 2019, I was proud to sign into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act, which is one of the strongest bans on abortion in the country. (3/6)
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Mar 28th 2022
Alabama school history books have been hotly debated since the Civil War. Do you remember what books your school used? Have you ever wondered why they were picked?

A 🧵: An orange and gray graphic that says, "What textbooks d
Of course, you don't remember school in 1868. After the Civil War, Republican officials rebuilt a statewide public education system. They opened schools to Black students and implemented standardized textbooks -- two choices, among others, that Alabama residents didn't like. A photo of N.B. Cloud, with the quote, "Superintendent
After Reconstruction collapsed, a new set of state officials saw standardized textbooks as useful. Among the first recommended under a new law was William Garrott Brown's 1900 History of Alabama. It framed the Civil War as being incited by "a man's duty to protect his property." A clipping from William Garrott Brown's book and the quote,
Read 12 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Right now the Senate is considering a bill dealing with the scope of practice by optometrists. This derailed Tuesday's calendar because it wasn't on it. Among other items, it would allow optometrists to perform some eyeball injections (which they're currently not allowed to do).
Yeah, I didn't expect to be thinking about eyeball injections today, either. #alpolitics
This debate (essentially an argument over the evolving practice of medicine) is creating some unusual dance partners. Definitely not a partisan thing. #alpolitics
Read 8 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
The public hearing on the Alabama lottery/gambling bill is underway, and it appears everyone who signed up is an opponent, though their reasons for opposing the gambling legislation vary from speaker to speaker. #alpolitics
Joe Godfrey from ALCAP, speaking now, is opposed to gambling generally. But there are representatives from the Greene County bingo parlors (not GreeneTrack) saying this bill would pick winners and losers. (The bill would likely shut those parlors down.) #alpolitics
Now former Alabama Gov. Jim Folsom is speaking against the bill, on behalf of the Greene County parlors. We've seen him work for them in the past. "All they want to do is exist, continue to do what they're doing. They're not asking for special treatment." #alpolitics
Read 14 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
The Senate has a proposed calendar that includes a bill from Sen. Gerald Allen, R-Tuscaloosa, making it a crime for state officers to help enforce federal gun laws. It includes this language. #alpolitics
I'm toggling between the House (which is taking up the education budget package) and the Senate. Sen. Jim McClendon, R-Springville, has been talking prior to the motion to adopt the calendar, but I'm not clear why. #alpolitics
Sen. Rodger Smitherman, D-Birmingham, has already pointed out the bill would run afoul of the U.S. Constitution's supremacy clause (though that's rarely stopped Alabama politicians before). #alpolitics
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Mar 1st 2022
I’m so glad that @AGSteveMarshall wrote this that I wanted to make sure you saw it. He wrote this in opposition to HB57 which is a bill I sponsored. So, since it is out there now, let me correct some “misrepresentations” in it and also give you facts about pardons and paroles.
HB57 would create the Criminal Justice Policy Development Council to update the inmate classification system; 2) create parole guidelines; 3) adopt a validated risk and needs assessment for felony offenders; and 4) provide quarterly reports to Legislature about the Council’s work
The bill would require the Board to 1) use parole release guidelines in parole decisions; 2) provide an explanation when deviating from these guidelines; and 3) provide written notification to the applicant of their right to appeal if the denial deviates from the guidelines.
Read 20 tweets
Oct 26th 2021
I know that those maps are tough to read and actually understand. I am just frustrated as you are. So, here is something else to use to get a better look at the maps. #alpolitics #Alabama #redistricting #SpecialSession2021 #reapportionment
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Oct 25th 2021
The Committee on Reapportionment will be meeting on Tuesday, October 26 at 1 PM in Rm.317 at the Statehouse. Here are the proposed Congressional, State School Board, and the Alabama House and Senate district maps along with accompanying underlying demographic data. #redistricting
Proposed Congressional district map with underlying population demographic information. #alpolitics #Alabama #redistricting #SpecialSession2021 #reapportionment
Proposed State School Board map with underlying population demographic information. #alpolitics #Alabama #redistricting #SpecialSession2021 #reapportionment
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Aug 28th 2021
Leigh Gwathney was appointed Chair of Pardons and Paroles in October 2019. The last time I tweeted about this, the numbers were from January 2021 to June 2021. To get a clearer picture of the problem, I requested the numbers from when she was appointed. They are not pretty.
Let’s talk pardons. Here are the numbers from Nov. 2019 to June 2021.

White Applicants? 601 granted, 1565 denied.

Black Applicants? 313 granted, 1792 denied.

Hispanic Applicants? 2 granted, 15 denied.

Of the 916 pardons that were given 65% of them went to White Applicants
Now on to Paroles. These numbers are also from Nov. 2019 to June 2021.

White Applicants? 751 granted, 2197 denied.

Black Applicants? 349 granted, 2580 denied.

Hispanic Applicants? 4 granted, 23 denied.

Of the 1104 Paroles granted, 68% of them went to White applicants.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 7th 2021
As of Mon, AL has seen the lowest avg for new #COVID19 cases & hospitalizations since the spring of 2020. Y’all, this is definitely an indication we’re moving in the right direction. Thank you, Alabamians, for your tremendous help & support to get us where we are. #alpolitics 1/8
As I’ve previously stated, Alabama’s mask order will expire at 5 p.m. on April 9. Today, I’m announcing our state will then enter into our Safer Apart order, which will be in effect until May 5 at 5 p.m.… @ALPublicHealth #alpolitics 2/8
Folks, we still have a public health order, but it’s greatly slimmed down due to everyone doing their part to practice social distancing, wearing a mask, & voluntarily getting a vaccine. I continue to encourage you to do all of these things & make smart decisions. #alpolitics 3/8
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Mar 19th 2021
A thread of articles on an exceptionally contentious day in the Alabama Legislature.

The chamber first approved a bill banning transgender youth from playing sports of the sex with which they identify. (1) #alpolitics
Then the House passed a bill that would require physicians to provide health care to children born during an abortion, known as "born alive" bills. Opponents noted laws against infanticide already exist. #alpolitics (2)
In what could have been the sharpest debate of the day, the House approved a bill changing the definition of riot; creating a new crime of assaulting a first responder and punishing cities that abolish their police departments without replacing them. (3)
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Mar 18th 2021
The Alabama House of Representatives is now taking up the bill to ban curbside voting, writing existing policy of the Secretary of State into state law. This will be a thread for the discussion. #alpolitics
Sponsor Wes Allen, R-Troy, is out after testing positive for COVID-19. Rep. Matt Simpson, R-Daphne, is handling the bill. #alpolitics
Rep. A.J. McCampbell, D-Linden, is up. Per Qs from McCampbell, Simpson says there's an amendment to the bill. #
Read 35 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
The Alabama House of Representatives is now taking up a bill from Rep. Allen Treadaway, R-Morris, that would create a new crime of assaulting a first responder, change riot definitions and penalize municipalities that try to abolish police departments. This will be a thread.
Treadaway, a retired assistant Birmingham Police chief, says there is "an organized effort in this country" regarding protest. Notes that the bill was altered in the House Judiciary Committee. #alpolitics
"This is not about suppressing anybody's right to protest," Treadaway says. Says he's been on the front lines of many protests. This is very similar to the opening argument he made in committee a few weeks back. #alpolitics
Read 46 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
Alabama House is now taking up a bill from Rep. Ginny Shaver, R-Leesburg, known as a born alive bill. This will be the thread. #alpolitics
Shaver says the bill would require a doctor to take reasonable care to save a child's life if the child was born during an abortion. Rep. Laura Hall, D-Huntsville, is asking for examples. #alpolitics
Shaver, a crisis pregnancy counselor, says she has been told this happened but that she cannot share it due to privacy requirements. #alpolitics
Read 21 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
The Alabama House is about to begin debating HB 391, which would prevent transgender youth from playing sports of the gender with which they identify. This will be the thread. #alpolitics
Rep. Scott Stadthagen, R-Hartselle, the bill's sponsor says "it is unfair for biological males to compete against females in biological sports." #alpolitics
Similar bills are being pushed in other statehouses this year. The AP contacted numerous supporters of these bills last month, few of whom could cite local examples of this happening.… #alpolitics
Read 21 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
Alabama House is underway. Rep. John Rogers, D-Birmingham, says the controversial calendar is from "h-e-double two sticks" and "a stab at our heart." House Speaker Mac McCutcheon, R-Monrovia: "It's not about stabbing anybody in the heart." #alpolitics
Rogers: "Don't put us in a predicament where we have to fight for our lives. Let me remind you: when you fight us, you fight ourselves." #alpolitics
Expect a lot of debates on these bills, which include measures to ban transgender youth from public school sports, a "born-alive" abortion bill, a bill to broaden the definition of rioting and a bill to ban curbside voting. #alpolitics
Read 23 tweets
Mar 17th 2021
Alabama Senate Tourism Committee is underway, with two lottery bills on the agenda. This will be a thread for the discussion. Gotta be in it to win it. #alpolitics
The reason Alabama is one of a handful of states without a lottery? The politics of (and adjacent to) a lottery have the complexity of string theory.…
First, a public hearing on an entertainment bill. #alpolitics
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Mar 17th 2021
The Alabama House Constitution, Campaigns and Elections committee meeting is underway. It's in the House chamber, and we just had an odd situation over the livestream where we could hear a sidebar conversation better than the actual committee proceedings. #alpolitics
House chamber carries over a bill on absentee voting. Now we're on the bill to move the primaries and runoffs next year. But bill's sponsor is now saying there could be a conflict with mayoral elections. #alpolitics
And the bill is carried over.

Redistricting next year looks like it's going to be even more contentious than usual. Have to wonder if state leaders might try to do it in a special session, because it will suck a lot of oxygen out of the regular one. #alpolitics
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Mar 17th 2021
Per Q from Rep. Christopher England, D-Tuscaloosa: "We've got these solutions that are looking for problems ... I wish we could be proactive about criminal justice reform. I wish we could be proactive about Medicaid expansion." #alpolitics
England: "Had Donald Trump won the election, I'm sure we wouldn't be having these conversations." Asks if Blackshear's constituents are crossing the line to vote in Georgia. Blackshear: "I hope not." #alpolitics
England also objecting to the provision making this a Class C felony (punishable by up to 10 years in prison). "I could knowingly whip somebody unrecognizable, and serve less time than this." #alpolitics
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Mar 4th 2021
As of Tues., AL has seen the lowest avg for daily new #COVID19 cases & hospitalizations since June. Y’all, this is definitely an indication we’re moving in the right direction. I want to thank Alabamians for their tremendous help & support to get us where we are. #alpolitics 1/8
Even with this positive news, Dr. Harris & I believe more Alabamians need to get their 1st shot before we take a step some other states have taken to remove the mask order altogether & lift all restrictions. Folks, we’re not there yet, but we're getting close. #alpolitics 2/8
Our new, modified order will include several changes that’ll ease up on some of our current restrictions, while keeping our mask order in place for another 5 weeks, until April 9. After April 9th, I will NOT keep the mask order in effect.… #alpolitics 3/8
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Feb 10th 2021
Public hearing on HB 1, the measure to ban therapies for transgender minors, is about to begin. Rep. Jim Hill, R-Moody, the committee chair, says there are four people here speak in favor and four against. #alpolitics
Hill says there will not be a vote on the bill today. #alpolitics
Sponsor Rep. Wes Allen, R-Troy, going over the bill, which outlaws puberty blockers, surgeries. #alpolitics
Read 17 tweets

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