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Jun 20th 2020
Been hearing some #COVIDmyths lately.
Here are facts about #COVID #antibodytesting from @CDCgov:

-Donโ€™t use antibody tests to determine a personโ€™s immune status until evidence confirms that antibodies provide protection;how much antibody is protective;&how long protection lasts
Antibody tests can support clinical assessment of COVID illness for people tested 9 to 14 days after illness onset, in addition to recommended virus detection methods such as PCR. This maximizes sensitivity. 2/
Antibody testing can help establish a clinical picture when patients have late complications of COVID-19 illness, such as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.3/
Read 8 tweets
Apr 25th 2020
Getz Pharma, a Pharmaceutical Company, went ahead and serologically tested its entire workforce, and is now touting its findings as a game changer.

Said company also sells the test.

My thoughts on their twitter thread:
ThREAD - 1/8

#Covid_19 #COVID19Pakistan
-Antibody tests are NOT conclusive proof of past/current infections OR immunity to SARS-CoV-2. In fact, an old flu from a related Coronavirus can give you a False +ve, likewise a SYMPTOMATIC case with NO antibodies yet could give you a False -ve, MUCH more often than PCR tests
-The GoldStandard so conveniently disproved shows those inaccuracies only when UNTRAINED individuals sample. In fact both FDA&WHO recommend ONLY PCR testing to check Covid19 diagnoses

-The people qouted as having had Covid19, was serological testing used for their status or PCR?
Read 9 tweets

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