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May 19th 2021
#Aquarium "Descubrí la historia real sobre un avión privado inglés que tras la II Guerra Mundial se estrelló en Mendoza. Lo piloteaba un veterano, y viajaban un correo del rey británico y un empresario palestino. Inventé una historia que justificara todo eso”

🎙️ @MarceloFigueras
“Una periodista española me llamó para preguntarme si todavía tenía ganas de ir a Israel y Palestina a hacer una investigación, y de paso escribía una nota para su revista, se había desatado la segunda intifada”.

🎙️ @MarceloFigueras
📻 @frasco1270
Read 7 tweets
Apr 29th 2021
Today, on #TheMisplacedMenagerie -

We report the exotic (for #India) apple #snail, #Pomacea diffusa, also known as the spike topped apple snail, from the #Mumbai region, as part of our ongoing studies on #urbanwildlife, and the #ecology of introduced species, in #India, Mumbai.
The study was officially published in the 'ELA Journal of Forestry and Wildlife' - a peer reviewed #science journal, which is also the official journal of the #Maharashtra State #Forest Department.

Link to paper:…

#sciencetwitter #TwitterNatureCommunity
Spiked Topped Apple Snails in #Mumbai (and other parts of #India) are the direct result of the #aquarium trade - either as accidental, or deliberate releases from home aquaria.

#InvasiveSpecies #sciencetwitter #ecology #naturalhistory #urbanwildlife
Read 22 tweets
Mar 27th 2021
March 29th, 2020 is the day Honey the #dolphin 🐬ended her life in the closed #Aquarium in which she was abandonned.

In memories of Honey, let's speak up for Honey through SNS on upcoming March 29th (JST).🌈

#NoMoreHoney Action from Japan 👉…
Honey was captivated by #DolphinDriveHunt and after years of entertaining people, was left alone in the tank of closed #Aquarium for months and died March 29, 2020.


In Japan, dolphin show is still popular.

The new industry group, Japan Aquarium Association #JAA , must stop buying dolphins captivated from drive hunting and we must #SayNoToDolphinShows to #AbolishDolphinDriveHunt and end this cruelty.

Read 4 tweets
Jan 1st 2020
For 2020 I'm going to try the one photo a day challenge. I'll reply tip this each day with a photo.
Marble Kaleidoscope.

Sony a7iii
FE 2.8/90 Macro G OSS
ISO 400
1/30 Image
Carew Sconce

Samsung Note 10+
6 mm
1/17 Image
Read 369 tweets

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