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Mar 17th 2022
🧵#artbook #fanart #fannibals #art #artists
1. The #artistsontwitter community is amazingly talented. I've supported many fan-run Kickstarters for artbooks. Now publishers are now getting in on it. Sadly fan artists who are not contract-savvy are open to exploitation...
2. I've seen a lot of tweets about an upcoming themed fan art book to be printed by an indie publisher. They set up a Kickstarter & raised over $160,000. Some artists were invited to create art for the book & subs were opened for everyone else.
3. To submit, artists were required to send in a completed work of art & wait to see if they were selected.
If selected they would not be paid a cash fee.
They would get a (insert drumroll...)
Free book, and of course, Kudos. (Whoop)🙌🙌🙌
Read 11 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Exploring the themes of childhood wonder and imagination~

All of these paintings and more will be featured in my first ever art book, now available on Kickstarter!… ImageImageImage
I’ve also recently added more stretch goals that can add 8 more pages to the book, as well as a dust jacket~ ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Aug 11th 2020
For those who missed the announcement, my first ever art book is out on Kickstarter!…

It will feature over 120 pages art, grouped by themes such as my love for the night sky and more!

#artbook #kickstarter #stars #space #galaxy ImageImageImage
Thank you all who already supported the campaign. It's honestly unbelievable how amazing it has been. You're all my stars in the sky <3 ImageImageImage
I'm so excited to send out all the stretch goal bookmarks, stickers, and postcards to everyone! I can't believe we already surpassed all the stretch goals. I'll be making polls on what the next goal should be :) ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
IT'S OUT!!! My art book Kickstarter is finally live! Check it out here…

You can get limited signed and stamped books, as well as exclusive prints, postcards, and more!

#artbook #art #kickstarter ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets

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