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Jun 16th 2022

So many people in my network who have successfully avoided #Covid19 -- and have consistently worn high-quality masks indoors etc -- are now sick.

Many of them are teachers, gig workers, and performers... and if they don't work, they don't get paid.

One of my besties texted me this morning: she FINALLY had a pre-Covid weekend's worth of gigs lined up and wanted me to confirm that the super faint pink line on her rapid test means that she's Covid+.

She's trying to document w/ a PCR test but all the free testing sites have been shut down.

Simultaneously, she's scrambling to find subs so she doesn't burn bridges for future work as she's forced to cancel last-minute in a city where not everyone supports these precautions.

Read 14 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
Calling on @WhiteHouse and any potential #ArtsHero like @POTUS, @FLOTUS, @VP, @SecondGentleman, @AmbRice46, @PeteButtigieg, @SecCardona, and @MartyJWalsh! The next #COVID19 infrastructure proposal must include creative infrastructure. Here’s why (thread): 1/ It's a text graphic with a ...
The creative economy is a great investment and a massive ($878 billion) economic engine for the US. 1% of a $2 trillion #BuildBackBetter plan—$20 billion—for creative infrastructure is a solid investment with immediate and long-term economic and social benefit. 2/
Creative economy is essential to recovery but devastated by COVID. 63% of creative workers are out of work—10x national rate (@Americans4Arts). The creative sector lost $150B+ (@BrookingsInst) & shrank 57% (@BEA_News). It is THE hardest hit sector in the country (@JHUCCSS)! 3/
Read 13 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
The 131 most un-popular news stories.
Dating from 2021-02-12 11:28:34 until 2021-02-12 17:30:34 (GMT).
> Live impeachment updates: Trump's legal team aims to distance him from Capitol violence in opening arguments
Nicholas Wu for The Tennessean in Nashville, Tennessee…
> Boozman says he will vote to acquit Trump
by Frank E. Lockwood for Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in Little Rock, Arkansas
Read 131 tweets
Feb 10th 2021
The 199 most un-popular news stories.
Dating from 2021-02-10 12:50:50 until 2021-02-10 18:52:50 (GMT).…
> What to Watch: Democrats to argue Trump alone incited mob
By MARY CLARE JALONICK Associated Press for Star Tribune in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota
> Gaggle Podcast: How Arizona's elected officials are reacting to Trump's second impeachment trial
None for The Arizona Republic in Phoenix, Arizona
Read 199 tweets
Oct 12th 2020
I WON'T SHOUT AGAAIN, but consider everything that follows to be in an emphatic tone bordering on anger: Do you know how much the UK government provided in arts and culture grants today? £257 million. That's $331 million here.
How much special funding for the live performing arts has the U.S. government provided in this time of crisis, considering that the population of the US is five times that of the UK? $75 million, less than 25% of UK support.
40% of the US funds went to state arts councils. The other funds yielded 846 grants of $50K each to arts organizations. Since those grants? Zero. Zed. Nil. Nada. Nothing. Yet the challenges are the same between US and UK, and pandemic wears on. Angry yet?
Read 16 tweets

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