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Jun 14th 2020
/1 Those seeking to obscure the class roots of #policebrutality also claim that it is above all an American phenomenon. This is a lie. In Germany, the police have been heavily involved in the state's build-up of neo-Nazi networks #AtlantaShooting
/2 In 2018, a major neo-Nazi cell was discovered in the police of Hessen, a federal state which saw several murders of the NSU and where, in 2019, the politician Walter Lübcke was murdered by a known neo-Nazi whom the police had refused to surveil.…
/3 A recent book noted that the (Verfassungsschutz), the Bundeswehr and parts of the police and legal system deliberately provide cover for, promote, organise and finance right-wing extremist networks and shield them from public gaze.…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
I used to tend bar and was very involved in Atlanta nightlife. Would y'all like to hear some stories about things I've seen the cops let drunk white people (ESPECIALLY drunk white women) get away with?

#RayshardBrooks #AtlantaShooting
Let's start with Buckhead. It's a very wealthy, white neighborhood. In the early 2000s there were bars & clubs on every foot of public space. It was common to see drunk or high trust fund kids passed out on the street or in bushes. Nobody ever got arrested for some reason.
Let's head on over to Roswell Road, where I once saw a drunk guy get tossed out by a cop, get in said cops face and start poking the cop in his chest. On his badge. And the cop did nothing. Guess the ethnicity of both.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
Folks are trying to rationalize the #AtlantaShooting of #RayshardBrooks bc he resisted arrest. Putting aside whether they should have been called to begin with (he was tapped out in a Wendy's line), it is worth remembering that resisting arrest is not a capital offense. Also...
2/ The fact that these two officers could not subdue Brooks when he first resisted, without a weapon, suggests they shouldn't be cops. And once he gets away w/the taser, threatening no one with it, chasing/shooting him is criminal. They had his Lic #. Could have found him...
3/ Fact is, police CAN go without shooting people in these cases, but in this case and so many others they choose to kill. Oddly, when white folks are beating their ass/resisting, they seem to manage to hold fire...Here are a few examples...
Read 5 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
The police shot an unarmed black man in the back.

Apparently, the "arrest" sequence began because a black man was asleep in his car at a drive-in.

So police respond to accusations that they murder black men by murdering more black men.…
#AtlantaShooting Image
I feel sickened to see the justifications for this killing.

The guy resisted arrest and took the taser— but he was unarmed and running away when shot in the back.

People justifying this murder want a police state in which the police act as jury, judge, and executioner.
Thank you for this. I had no idea.

Meanwhile, my mentions are so full of ugliness right now I won't be able to read them. Save important stuff for me when things quiet down.

Read 3 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
A 27-year-old African-American man was shot in the back and killed by Atlanta police Friday night, after someone complained he was sleeping in his car at a Wendy's drive-thru.
#AtlantaShooting witness video
Read 11 tweets

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